Danielle A. Vann - Get Your Life Together, Girl

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Epi 90: Do You Know How To Start Over?

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Do You Know How to Start Over? The Get Your Life Together, Girl Podcast with Danielle A. Vann

Every day we have an opportunity to start over—to dig our heels in, extract what is working in our lives and give ourselves permission to release what is not. As simple as that sounds, the radical act of starting over is far more entitled and can be paralyzing for some. Yet, no matter how many roadblocks we put in place or experience in our lives, the truth is: that each of us has the power to start over and begin again, no matter our circumstances, our age, or any other excuse we may use to keep ourselves trapped in the small boxes we were never meant to live within.

This week we’re taking a one-on-one deep dive into starting over, how we must confront what makes us uncomfortable, we’ll move through a plan on how to start over in a grounded, centered, and mindful way, and then we’ll uncover how starting over leads us into self-love and inner peace in ways we never thought were possible.

So, let’s shift our perspectives and ability to elevate our lives through a tested and grounded blueprint to get there…

Key Takeaways:

00:00 Introduction

01:45 Four questions that often get our minds thinking about a need for change

03:20 A significant truth about starting over that removes the negative connotation generally associated with the full stops in our lives  

05:11 Painting the picture of starting over, illuminating your path

07:22 The pre-work necessary for developing a plan for change

15:14 Step 1 in starting over: Accept What Is

17:10 Step 2: Reevaluate your value system

20:01 Step 3: Get down to the why and how

21:00 An example of why understanding the “why” behind the change is so necessary

24:34 Step 4: Take stock of your successes and perceived failures—am I counting my blessing or failures   

27:20 Step 5: Work up the courage to engage and commit to the change

28:21 Change your inner language

30:16 Step 6: Check in with yourself     

31:30 Step 7: Celebrate your progress

33:19 How this plan creates self-love  

Sure, sometimes we have to walk through hell to get where we want to be, but when we take control and do the work, heal, and create a plan, we turn the lights on in our lives. We move from the dark rooms, the space where things are unknown, scary, anxiety-ridden, and filled with tripping hazards, to spaces where we see our path, the light is radiant, and everything we need and want is first met by ourselves and then others.

Welcome change. Welcome discomfort because you always have the ability to turn on the light switch.

You’ve got this, girl, and this is an essential part of getting your life together!

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