Danielle A. Vann - Get Your Life Together, Girl

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Epi 70: Honoring Your Soul And Inner Light - Meditation Reset

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Honoring Your Inner Light - Meditation Reset The Get Your Life Together, Girl Podcast with Danielle A. Vann

When was the last time you gave yourself a mental and emotional boost? Every once in a while, we need to reset and bring ourselves back to center. Feeding yourself positive affirmations allows you to elevate your mood, find a sense of peace, and shift your perspective to help you keep your life together, girl!

The Get Your Life Together, Girl mini bi-monthly reset is here to help you reset and remember who you are.

Find a comfortable position and take a full deep breath. Take the time you need to become comfortable. Allow your mind and body to relax. With an inhale, move your shoulders up toward your ears. And with a deep exhale, release your shoulders into their natural position—relaxed and free of tension.

Bring attention to that place within you that is calm, centered, and in balance—the place where your inner light residences and shines.

Let these words guide you into a state of relaxation, true understanding, and self-connection while you honor your journey and most profound truth—the truth that you are a masterpiece of light, love, infinite beauty, and peace. This light is your energy, your soulful, most authentic self.  

In this understanding, you can claim all that you are and honor your inner light that has helped you rise above darkness, hard times, and negativity. If you are not willing to give your very best, life is not going to offer much in return. Within each hour, day, week, and month, there is a time for everything. There is a time for letting go of self-destruction. There is a time for building and growing. There is a time for motion and rest. There is a time for wellness. There is always time for whatever is to be. That is if you make and take the time, and that begins with honoring your very being.

It’s from here, this witnessing, this honoring, this deep claiming of yourself, that peace is felt and built. It’s from here that you rise above life’s challenges with grace and a mind that is directed toward the lessons and purpose, instead of any amount of discomfort and disease.

Take another full deep breath and let it go.

Building your life from your inner light brings your mind, body, and soul into deep alignment.

The truth is—you are light. Light is your true self. You radiate peace because it is the foundation, the baseline, of who you are. You are joy. You are perfection because your soul is on fire with beauty.

Take another full deep breath and let it go.

Repeat after me if it serves you.

My inner light shines brightly, and I always have the choice to return to this inner place of beauty, purpose, and my calling. When I live from my soul, my inner light, I know there’s no need to struggle because who I am has always been meant to live in harmony with everything within and around me, regardless of the circumstances that find their way into my experience.

As I honor myself, I realize that I am a soul having a human experience. This amazing understanding reminds me that I will never fill fulfilled if I do not honor my soul.

As I lean into my light, I intuitively know that I am here to make a difference and be in service to something greater than myself. It is my intention to build harmonious relationships, beautiful experiences, and allow my soul to speak in everything I do, no matter how the journey unfolds.

Take a full deep breath and let it go.  

My soul has always been meant to express itself. This inner urge is meant to keep me seeking, growing, and developing in my greater meaning.

Who I am longs for a deeper connection. My authentic self knows that nothing can genuinely obstruct my journey as long as I endlessly renew my light in the present moment by witnessing and remembering lightness is my true self. I know where I have been, what I have experienced, has never been to break me. Instead, it’s been meant to build me. It’s been meant to marry my heart, soul, and mind in each experience.

With my attention focused inward, I allow my emotions to flow freely and my thoughts to become unstuck. I hold lightly to the things around me as I know this creates space for peace to radiate through me. When I hold lightly, I give myself permission to live in a state of change.

In change, I allow stillness. I seek it. I find it. I allow myself to receive endless support on every level. When I shine as a whole being, I lack nothing. I give all that I am. I purposefully shine.

With my shine comes pure joy. With my shine comes grace. With my shine comes compassion to see how far I have come. I am strengthened beyond where I was yesterday, two days ago, last week, last month, and last year. I will continue to shine while I nourish my positive light and continue to grow.

Take another full deep breath and let it go.

I will never again forget who and what I am. I will never ignore my light, intuition, and self-awareness again. And if I do, I know I can return again and again because this place within never leaves. This light within me is my home base.

The longest relationship I will ever have is the relationship with myself. I am home, and I will continue to feel that connection of home each and every day.

When I arrived on this earth, I was unbothered by everything before and around me. This foundation of peace is my space of restoration, recovery, and healing.

From today forward, I am seeing myself on the path to lasting lightness. I am embracing my truest self and honoring my authentic wisdom. I trust myself. I trust my truest state.

I am awake. I am living in the richness of my power. I release everything that is holding me in place. I let go of anything less than light.

Take a full deep breath and let it go.

Now imagine your breath is clearing your body of emotions, thoughts, of pain, of discomfort, and anything that keeps you in a state of resistance.

Honoring your light allows for new beginnings.

Honoring yourself allows you to be authentically, soulfully, and beautifully you.

Breath in peace and allow it to settle within you.

And exhale. Shift into your center.

Breathe in self-love and self-trust.

Exhale anything that is holding you in place.

See yourself stepping into the fullest expression of your light. See yourself as the greatest expression of you.

Take a full deep breath and let it go.


I am…Two of the most powerful words in any language. Words that direct our emotions and thoughts into movements that support us.

I am light.

I am whole and limitless.

I am in the flow of peace and harmony.

I am living a love story with myself.  

I am giving my very best each day.

I am allowing my life to build and grow in the foundation of my light.  

I am mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually in a state of authenticity.

I am love.

I am calm, purposeful, and creating balance.

I am impeccable with my words because they are based in my light.

I am healed, and I am living a healed story from here on out.

I am simply unstoppable.

Take another full deep breath and let it go.

Allow this understanding to be your guide. Allow yourself to seize the beauty within you. Today is a new day. A day where you know the very best of you and all that you need is already available to you because it is already who you are. You are light. Light is your true self. You radiate peace. You are joy. You are perfection because your soul is on fire with greatness.

Anytime you need a moment to come back to center. Repeat these words and lean into your inner truth. You are beautiful.

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Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com where you will find Danielle’s personal development/self-help blog. Until next time…be kind to yourself and others. Join the Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider Circle newsletter for weekly tips and tools.