Danielle A. Vann - Get Your Life Together, Girl

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Epi 52: Negative Thoughts Running Your Life? How to Stop Them Immediately!

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Negative Thoughts Running Your Life? How to Stop Them Immediately! The Get Your Life Together, Girl Podcast with Danielle A. Vann

Do negative thoughts trip you up?

There’s not a single person who isn’t impacted by negative thoughts at some point in their lives, if not in their daily lives. Unfortunately, many do not realize that negative thought loops can swiftly destroy their mood, rock their confidence, and erode their self-esteem after mere weeks of practicing thoughts that do not serve them.  

 If we want to get our lives together, we must learn to embrace the opportunity to shift out of old pattern thinking. If old patterns and limiting beliefs are not the issues, we must examine whether we have a negativity addiction. Regardless of why, when we are open to the possibility of change, we can literally change our lives by changing our minds with daily practice.

This week we take a one-on-one deep dive into examining why negative thoughts occur, the thoughts patterns we find ourselves in most, and we’ll take on two simple practices that have the power to stop unhelpful thoughts in their tracks.

Key Takeaways:

00:00 Introduction

01:39 Having negative thoughts is normal

02:20 A statement of self-grace each of us needs as we do the work to root out negativity in our thoughts and lives

04:04 Over 4,000 people stated negative thinking affects them in the latest Get Your Life Together, Girl poll  

07:56 What negative thoughts are and how they own us

10:57 Thoughts are not facts or truths; neither are emotions

12:08 Your brain’s first job is to keep you safe

14:28 The thought – feelings – actions process  

17:23 We must look at the environment we have set up in our mind. Is your brain a friend or a foe?

22:23 What you think is just as important as how you think

23:47 The Thought Patterns that disrupt us. All-or-Nothing Thinking

25:32 Black and White Thinking

28:51 Mental Filter Thinking

29:59 Jumping to Conclusion Thinking

32:21 Low Frustration Tolerance Thinking

34:39 Minimization Thinking

35:59 Emotional Reasoning Thinking

38:11 “Should” Thinking Pattern

40:04 Labeling Thinking Pattern

43:20 Personalization Thinking Pattern

45:04 You can change your life by changing your mind

45:22 Minding the Gap: The Ins and Outs, How, and the practice that changes our thought process

49:38 How to take on and challenge the negative thoughts  

51:14 Four Questions to ask yourself:

          Is this thought true?

          Is this thought helpful?

          Is this thought worthy of taking up space?

         Does this thought help create a healthy mental environment for better thoughts?

53:04 Moving your mind into neutral thought

54:00 Other benefits of reducing negative thoughts

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