Becoming your best Self

Hey you!

In case you are not aware, you are capable of great things. Don’t shake your head no. It’s the truth!

You have the ability to accomplish anything your heart desires, even those lofty dreams of yours. You arrived with everything you need to create the best version of yourself and the life you want to live. Along your path, things can, and often do, get messy. Those messes generally have us wondering how we can be our best selves when our circumstances are challenging. It’s important to remember our experiences have a purpose, and it’s always to push us to stretch, learn, grow, and develop.

Regardless of what you’ve been told or have read, there is no clear and cut path to becoming your best self. Period. What works for you will not always work for someone else. More so, you must do the work because no amount of quick fixes will ever fully serve you, nor will they last forever. Maybe that leaves you asking, “How do I begin transforming into the person I desire to become?”

There are mindsets, tools, and practices that help us in our journey. This section of the Get Your Life Together blog is dedicated to just that. The road to becoming your best self is paved through self-love. It’s found in self-acceptance, healthy self-esteem, healing the past, releasing perceived limitations, self-care, and dozens of other thought-changing, forward-moving ways of catapulting you from your comfort zone and into the very best this life has to offer.

Look for new blog posts weekly ranging from mindfulness, self-help, meditation, growth, and everything else in-between. They don’t call me the “Get Your Life Together Girl” for nothing. Right

 ARTICLES ABOUT becoming your best self

Danielle Vann Danielle Vann

Hey Babe, It’s Okay to Fearlessly Love Yourself

Can you imagine seeing those words written at your feet? Would you stop? Would you smile? Would you accept the challenge?

Self-love is one of those concepts that are popping up everywhere you turn. “Love yourself more” has become the theme of best sellers, printed on an obnoxious amount of t-shirts and journals, and it’s even being taunted by the latest anti-depression ads on streaming media.

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Danielle Vann Danielle Vann

Upgrade Your Morning Routine

Are there secrets to success?

I believe there are.

For me, a successful day starts with my morning routine, and it’s something I’m asked about often. How do I live in such a mindful and grounded way? What has shaped my attitude and outlook? What do I do differently than most?

Besides living mindfully, it all comes back to my mornings. Has it always been this way?

Nope. Noooo. NO!

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Danielle Vann Danielle Vann

Step Aside Bougie Bubble Baths—Stress Management Is The Ultimate Form Of Self-Care

Let’s talk self-care, shall we? The term “self-care” has sadly become the catchphrase and label for many seeking to sell bougie bubble bath, essential oil-infused candles, and overly priced journals. Now, don’t get me wrong; I love those things, too. Yet, I believe wrapping the idea of ultimate self-care around taking a relaxing bubble bath sends the wrong message. There is so much more to self-care than physical relaxation.

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