From Auto-Pilot to Choice

We’ve all done it—driven home, pulled into the driveway, and couldn’t remember how we got there. Maybe you’ve walked into a room ready to retrieve something and completely forgot why you were there. This is known as autopilot—the process of making unconscious, unaware, automatic decisions, and it’s something we all do.

Don’t get me wrong—autopilot is not a harmful operation for the most part. We have over 50,000 thoughts daily. We make an estimated 35,000 decisions from those thoughts daily, too. Talk about brain overload! We need autopilot. We need it to save energy. Can you imagine having to think hard about everything you did today? It would be too taxing on our brains. It’s when our minds cross the threshold of always staying in unconscious, automatic thought patterns that issues appear. It’s here that we must begin to watch how we are affected by our unconscious choices.

More than ever, many are living on autopilot because of our current world environment. Don’t worry; there are clues to key you into the possibility that you are living life in default mode and not by your own design. If some or all of these elements are active in your life, it’s time to shake things up.

The clues are:  

1.     You dread the day ahead.

2.     You feel there is nothing to be excited about or look forward to in your life.

3.     Your daily routine is predictable.

4.     You can tell someone exactly what you did a month ago because it’s the same as today.

5.     You do things without thinking. Your reason “why” has been removed from your thought patterns and actions. Autopilot eating is a thing, too. Think about the last bag of chips you may have plowed through without realizing it.

6.     You can’t put your phone down.

7.     You mindlessly scroll, checking emails and social media, and before you know it, you’ve checked out and do not engage with others in the same room.

8.     You have a hard time remembering things.

9.     You can’t seem to let go.

10.  You do what is familiar, not necessarily what is serving you anymore. It’s staying with and around people who bring you down—the same habits, the same career, the same relationship, etc.

11.    You are not making meaningful progress. Your goals go unchecked daily, and no effort is put towards creating the life you want.

12.  Yes is your default answer, instead of taking time to evaluate and weigh the benefits and the cost.

13.  You feel like time flies with little to show or feel guilty that you have not accomplished much.

14.  You are always on. You do not stop to process; instead, you stay busy, distracted, or even both.

15.  You are a people pleaser.

Can we make a shift out of autopilot? Absolutely we can!


Autopilot is fast, unconscious, and automatic.

When we shift into intentional and mindful thought, we slow down. We become conscious of our choices, and we make an effort, purposefully.

The way to undo, untangle, and create something new in choice begins by bringing your attention to your routines. What can you change? How may you shift your focus to be intentional?

Begin looking at your life purpose and use it as your compass to create inspired action. Ask yourself, “Am I living in my purpose, or am I hiding from it in autopilot?

Teach yourself to stop and reflect. Dig deep and figure out your why. Why are you here? What do you want in and from this life? Why are you in the relationships you are in? What is your why concerning your job?

Here is one of my favorite autopilot zapping tips! Put zones in your calendar. Block out portions of time each day to work on each zone.

For example, every morning between 4:30 and 6 a.m., my calendar is zoned for journaling and meditation. I use different colors in my calendar so that I can quickly identify which zone I have scheduled. Of course, my calendar is not rigid and set in stone. I allow for change and each day to flow as needed.

Learn to communicate your boundaries. Hold space for yourself. Let go of the need to make everyone happy at the expense of making yourself miserable. You deserve space. Take time to think about the offers that come across your table. Do you want to lend your time, money, experience, etc., to the cause? When you remove the automatic “yes,” you remove a piece of the auto-pilot existence.

Put your phone down. The people beyond the screen are not as important as the people before you in physical form. If you know there’s a better life for you, start with showing up in yours.

Once you take back your thoughts, get intentional, and get clear about what you want, you begin to live a happier, healthier, and more mindful life. There is nothing better! Are you ready to shift from auto-pilot to choice?

Danielle A. Vann is a 19-time international award-winning author, a certified Life Coach with a specialty certification in Mindfulness, a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, and a certified meditation coach. She is also the creator and voice behind Get Your Life Together, Girl. To learn more, visit the bio page, and follow @Getyourlifetogethergirl on Instagram.

Danielle Vann

Danielle A. Vann is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Life Coach to women, Meditation Instructor, and international award-winning author.

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