Find a comfortable position and take a full deep breath. Allow your body to find stillness and let your shoulders relax. Give yourself permission to slow your mind as your breath moves in and out. Allow yourself to soften into the moment. A moment of affirmation. A moment of body positivity. A moment to appreciate the whole of you, as you are, in your capacities, fierceness and splendor.

Draw in another breath, allowing it to expand your chest. As you relax, let any tension, thoughts, and emotion slip away.

This is a time of celebration—a celebration of you.

Take another full deep breath and let it go.

Now, gently close your eyes, if you haven’t already, and see yourself in your mind’s eye. See the fullest expression of your body. Finally, let your eyes settle on your shape. No matter what size you are, or the current state of your body, you are truly magnificent. Your curves are stunning. You are flawless, regardless of how you see yourself, your past, or any inkling of lack. The truth is you are beautiful.

As we move into this journey of affirmation, let’s take a moment of permission together. A moment to pledge to ourselves and offer ourselves respect. Repeat after me:

Today, I am offering myself kindness and respect. I am actively and attentively honoring my body as I move beyond body standards and embrace my physical form, as it has been, as it is now, and as it will be. From today forward, I pledge to speak words of affirmation to myself each time I look in the mirror. I promise to respect my reflection by feeding it healthy thoughts and emotions, as I know this is as important as the food I fuel myself with, too. I have the power to love myself without the conditions those around me have asked me to own and without the standards of anything I’ve been taught or told, and today I’m actively making this choice. I acknowledge that loving myself and the vehicle I have while on this earth is sometimes messy, and yet, from now on, I give the best of myself to honor the girl I am, from the outside in and vice versa. And if I mess up, take a sidestep, think or act out of alignment with this new frame of thought, I know I can start over right in the here and now.

Today, I affirm I love the whole of me.

Take another full deep breath and let it go.

Now, let’s take a journey of deeper affirmation. Let my words guide you through this journey of love, acceptance, and the grounded knowing that you are a magical, brilliant soul. If it serves you, repeat these words and honor their truth because they are your truth.  

My body is a gift.

I honor and respect the signals it offers me.

I am releasing the insecurities that hold me back and am working to grow more comfortable in my skin.

This body is amazing—it breaths while I actively do and in times of rest. It fights fights I do not have to think about. It helps me pursue my wildest dreams. The vehicle allows me to be present in the here and now. It breaks and regenerates. It loves me and keeps going, even when I do not love it as I should.

I appreciate what my body does for me every day.

I shower this form in love as it’s a temple, and I am the goddess that resides within it.

My body is the perfect vessel to carry my unstoppable glow.

I am actively releasing my resistance, the past, and any barriers I have toward this radical ownership of myself so I may enjoy a strong body, mind, and soul connection.

Every day this illumination of who I am, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually grows.

Without my body, I cannot exist. Without existing, I cannot create. I cannot build the magic and legacy I came here to do and write.

Today I am releasing, freeing myself of negatives. Today, I am allowing myself to freely be me in all my glory from the inside out and the outside in.

I see the truth. This body is a sanctuary.

I am welcoming this sanctuary to grow in its health, in this mindset, and within all that best serves me.

I own that I am beautiful.

Take another full deep breath and let it go.

My body is strong.

I love improving myself each day.

Every cell within me is vibrant and vibrates a frequency, an energy of beauty.

My mind is strong, alert, calm, and a place of wellbeing and health.

My eyes see the world in the fullest expression of its glory.

My ears hear the sounds that fill my soul with joy.

My mouth takes in fresh air and serenity. It allows me to release anything that does not serve me. It gives me energy and takes away what doesn’t.

My shoulders have carried the world, but now they are relaxed. They know their strength. They know they never have to carry more than they should ever again.

My hands create, weaving magic in a way that no one other can ever do.

My heart beats in perfect rhythm and feels the world around me in a way that reminds me I am alive.

I fill my stomach with healthy choices as that my body is rooted in health and wellbeing.

My back is strong. It carries me so that I may trust the wisdom of my body.

My legs are my foundation—unshakable roots that allow me to play, run, find passion, carry myself forward, and walk the path I have always followed.

My feet are the connection to the earth. They allow me to sense, soak up the energy and beautifully be.

Take another full deep breath and let it go.

I am grateful for and trust my body.

I love myself.

I accept myself.

I am humbly radiating my best.

I am confident in my form.

I am confident in my beauty.

I am confident in my light.

I am confident in all that I am.

I am beaming with soulful energy.

My body is healthy. My mind is brilliant. My soul is tranquil.

I am attracting positive energy into my body.
I accept myself for who I am, for what I am, and I embrace the uniqueness I was born with and have grown into.

I am strong.

I am powerful.

I am peace and peaceful.

I am free from anything that does not have my highest, greatest, and most profound good at heart.

I am forever challenging myself to feed myself with the fullness of this broad and beautiful universe.

I am attentive to all that I am.

Today, I am compassionate.

A flood of happiness, joy, and blessings enter my life as I courageously own this existence.

I celebrate myself as I am right now.

Take another full deep breath and let it go.

Let your mind bring forth a picture of yourself once more. See yourself. Wrap that beautiful soul in loving energy and light. Make her a promise. “I will never again forget to love you.”

Let that promise wash over you, settling brilliantly in your soul. Hold it there. Lock it inside. You are a worthy, beautiful soul. Your body is worthy. You are magnificent, do not spend another second doubting this truth.

When you are ready, offer yourself some slight movements, gently opening and closing your jaw and slightly squeezing your toes and fingers. Allow your mind to honor the journey we’ve taken, and when you are ready, gently open your eyes.

Take one last full deep breath and let it go.

Anytime you need a moment to come back to center. Repeat these words and lean into your truth—the truth that you are magnificent.

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Danielle Vann

Danielle A. Vann is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Life Coach to women, Meditation Instructor, and international award-winning author.

Epi 95: How Endings Create an Open Door to Self-love with Laura Patricia Martin


Epi 93: How to Stop Being at War With Your Body