Welcome to the crown chakra affirmation meditation, a guided meditation to powerfully connect with your higher self. Your crown chakra, or 7th chakra, at the top of your head, is responsible for spiritual connection to the Universe, God, Source, or whatever you call this magnificent force more significant than yourself. It’s the center of your self-knowledge. Transformation and enlightenment are found here, too.

Settle in now, and let’s connect to this center of truth, love, and light.

As you find a comfortable position, softly deepen your breath, inhaling through your nose, allowing the breath to fill your lungs before slowly and steadily exhaling.

With your next inhale, relax your shoulders down your spine, releasing any tension you may feel, bring your awareness to the top of your head, and feel the oneness between you and everything around you, moving through you and beyond. As you continue to breathe and allow my voice to be your guide, check your palms. Gently turn them upright, if confrontable, as this mudra helps you receive energy from the divine. Now, close your eyes, if comfortable, and visualize a white light appearing at the top of your head with your next inhale. Within this beautiful light is a lotus blossom. Its gorgeous tips are opening, blooming as you are now. As the energy of purity, transformation, and ascension cover you, allow your breath to guide the flower opening. Imagine every breath fills the flower with more energy to expand.

Listen to the full meditation to receive the fullest benefit.

As you exhale, focus on these affirming affirmations:

I am divine.

My existence is sacred.

My soul and physical form have come to this time, space, and reality to create, to live a legacy.

I honor my infinite nature.

I trust my inner knowing, my gut, because I know this is the voice that leads me.

I am connected and open to receiving guidance.

I coexist peacefully with everyone I meet.

I trust there is a divine plan for me, and it works on its timing, not mine.

I am love. I am light. I am joy.

I know transformation is always within my reach.

I am aligned with my soul’s purpose and truth.

I release my need to control my life and surrender to this openness that is far grander than my most complicated plans.

I am a spiritual being having a very human experience.

Internal peace flows to and through me.

I am walking my path in faith, love, and light.

In your own time, become aware of the sounds around you, near and in the distance. Become aware of the support beneath you, and notice how you feel. And hold yourself with loving kindness, for the beautiful, unique being that you are.

May love, light, and blessings come to you, as you deserve the very best.

Anytime you need a moment to reconnect, come back to these truths. They are always here for you.

May love, light, and blessings come as you soulfully live from the wisdom within and beyond you.


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Danielle Vann

Danielle A. Vann is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Life Coach to women, Meditation Instructor, and international award-winning author.


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