Danielle A. Vann - Get Your Life Together, Girl

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Epi 173: Taming Shame – A guided, Active meditation

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Epi 173: Taming Shame – A Guided, Active Meditation The Get Your Life Together, Girl Podcast with Danielle A. Vann

Welcome to taming shame, a guided, interactive healing meditation to gently connect with yourself and let go so you may live within true harmony and self-acceptance.

Shame is an unpleasant self-conscious emotion often found through negative self-evaluation. Its inner workings cause you pain, distrust, powerlessness, and worthlessness. It causes us to hide and tell ourselves we are flawed. Shame is attached to your identity and how you see yourself. It asks us to validate insecurities, these feelings of lack, but we can tame shame and find our truth—that you are and have always been meant to live a life rooted in grace, inspiration, and ownership.

Let’s settle in now and connect with this center of truth, love, and light—the very center of you—your soul.

As you settle, softly deepen your breath, inhaling through your nose, allowing the breath to fill your lungs before slowly and steadily exhaling.

With your next inhale, relax your shoulders down your spine, releasing any tension you may feel.

This relaxation is meant to guide you into releasing shame and guilt and allow your mind to focus on the here and now while taking positive action for the future.

Breathe in again, slowly drawing air into your lungs

Feel yourself becoming more deeply relaxed.

Gently let go of tension, feeling your muscles surrender.

Close your eyes if they are not already shut, and allow them to become heavy.

Now, allow your mind to think about shame. Notice any thoughts, feelings, or memories that come up.

Shame’s purpose is to teach. It’s to show you how you connect to your life, to yourself, and to the moments you allow to define you.  

With a steady and easy breath, bring awareness to where you feel shame in your body. What does this feel like to you?

If you can physically feel it, gently place your hand over this space. Honor its presence with a complete exhale, thanking it for teaching you.

As you breathe in, allow yourself to shift, to know that while not all past missteps can be corrected, what can be gained is the fact that you are a good person who wants to learn from their mistakes. Shame can only hold you as long as you continue to tell a past story that does not serve you.

You’ve felt shame and guilt for long enough. Now, you shift with understanding allowing the positive to flood you with every inhale and regret, shame, and blame to be released, taming its interaction with your mind, body, and soul.

I am human. I am capable of making mistakes as it is a part of my learning process. While I may wish I would have handled situations differently, I also witness that the person I am today is not the person who lived that moment, that feeling, through that mindset or thought. I can only show up as I am in each moment that is presented. While I cannot change what has occurred, I can find appreciation for my own change. I find gratitude for the insight any limitation offers me.

Insight allows me to make deliberate decisions based on truth and change. I am committed to showing up in ways that best serve me through compassion, understanding, and love.

With this commitment, I release and change my feelings of shame. With an exhale, I declare and acknowledge what has been. I lean into this moment and release.

From today forward, I will choose self-grace.

I am a beautiful soul that learns from the doing of my life. I own my actions. I offer myself forgiveness. I cannot know what I do not know. I accept all that I have done openly and willingly, with firm and unwavering accountability. I allow myself to be at peace now as I let go of the past. I realize that time teaches me to be better, do better, and better is how I show up. I know that I have been the person I needed to be so I can be the person I am today.

As I settle in this moment, I exhale all the pain, guilt, and shame that has been within.

I welcome in affirmations of this present time and space reality and affirm:

I am at peace.

I am living in the unfolding of all things, no matter how they may first be perceived, because I know that there is a lesson and peace within everything. I seek it. I acknowledge it. I live within it.

My inner thoughts will forever echo peace.

My world does not have to be in stillness in order for me to be grounded in the humbleness that peace has to offer.

I use my peace to protect my energy, to feed myself good-feeling thoughts, and I am the reflection of the good.

I step out of shame and walk in the path of peace. Shame doesn’t exist here as this path is bricked with only the highest, purest, and best.

With a deep inhale, release and repeat these affirming words after me:  

I do not need to feel guilty anymore.

I do not need to blame myself.

I learn from my mistakes.

I cannot control 100 percent of everything that finds me.

I cannot control what other people choose to do.

Others are responsible for their own behavior.

I have felt shame for long enough.

I learn from my experiences and feel good about the life I choose now.

I am a good person.

I release myself from feelings that do not serve me.

I am whole. I am ready. I am letting go.

Take another full deep breath and release it slowly; imagine all the weight of shame leaving you. It fills the air around you and dissolves, never to find you again.

You are free…

Gently bring your breath back to normal. As I could to from five to one, slowly bring yourself back into your body and space.

Five…inhaling peace.

Four…exhaling anything less than peace.

Three…inhaling calm.

Two, exhaling the past.

One…say the words, “I choose to live openly and peacefully without my past driving my future.”

You no longer have to be defined by the past.

You are peace. Live as such.


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