Listen to the full meditation to receive the fullest benefit.

Welcome to the throat chakra affirmation meditation, a guided meditation to clear and reclaim your fifth chakra. Your throat chakra is responsible for communication. When it’s balanced, you speak the truth, your truth, and understand your life purpose in a fuller and guided way. You communicate with others intelligently and efficiently. You are far more creative and expressive.

Settle in now, finding a comfortable position as you relax your shoulders down your spine, release your jaw, and let go of any tension, whether in your mind or body. As you fully settle, deepen your breath, inhaling through your nose, allowing your breath to find the bottom of your lungs, and slowly release it through your nose with a slow and steady exhale. Continue to breathe with both ease and effort. If your eyes are open, gently close them now.

Take a deep breath and bring your awareness to the center of your throat — your throat chakra. This chakra is the center of expression and your thoughts and feelings. It’s the place of truth and integrity.

Breathe and expand this space by inviting a brilliant blue light in, the color of the clearest sky, to form and spin without effort or blockage, only inviting ease. Breathe in, clearing, opening, and softening the need to control your words, expression, creativity, and voice.

Feel this chakra growing more intense as the blue light strengthens. Let it radiate and fill your head space as it traces up and down your entire form.

With your next exhale, feel this pure energy clear any blockages from the past, from any limiting beliefs, negativity, or any words that you’ve refused to speak. As you let go, feel yourself become fearless, courageous, and ready to be heard. Your voice is full now and no longer on mute.

As you allow yourself to speak the truth and accept your worthiness, own these words of affirmation, knowing they are for you and ready to support your truest and most authentic self-expression and voice. Allow my voice to become yours as you own each and every expression that follows:

I hear and speak my truth as I express myself freely and fully.

I am an essential voice in the world, and my voice is heard.

I clearly express myself with reluctance or barriers.

It is safe for me to trust others with my words.

Every time I speak, every word I utter is an expression of love and truth.

Creativity flows in and through me.

I always communicate honestly openly and clearly.

It is easy for me to communicate how I feel and what I need.

My words are my art form, and they support my greatest and truest desires.

What I speak expresses my creativity.

Being creative nourish my soul and my spirit.

As I use my voice, I live through integrity and authenticity.

I speak my mind truthfully with no borders.

 I free myself by becoming more honest and using my words.

  My honesty attracts what I deserve

  My intent is always clear when I speak.

 My voice is powerful.

I don’t engage in gossip or criticism as I know this diminishes my powerful intent.

 I am confident in expressing my thoughts and ideas.

  There’s great clarity in my communications.

 I am emotionally resilient and use this to my power.

Speaking my truth is my right.

I am confident enough to say no.

I am focusing on the radiant blue light that radiates from my throat.

I am now opening my throat chakra.

My throat chakra is completely balanced.

My throat chakra is now healed.

I speak my truth clearly.

I am assertive.

Take one final deep breath and gently open your eyes.

May love, light, and blessings come to you today.

Anytime you need to rebalance, simply come back to this meditation. It’s always here for you. May peace be with you.


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Danielle Vann

Danielle A. Vann is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Life Coach to women, Meditation Instructor, and international award-winning author.

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