Epi 47: I Am Releasing Control and Learning to Surrender - March Mini Meditation Reset

When was the last time you gave yourself a mental and emotional boost? Every once in a while, we need to reset and bring ourselves back to center. Feeding yourself positive affirmations allows you to elevate your mood, find a sense of peace, and shift your perspective to help you keep your life together, girl!

Find a comfortable position and take a full deep breath. If comfortable, close your eyes and become aware of your breath.

Feel the breath enter your nose and gently travel down into the lungs. Hold it there and then slowly release—allow your mind to settle into this moment.

Take a full deep breath and let it go.

Let your mind and body find center. Actively and consciously releasing tension and allow my words to guide you into your truth—the truth that everything that happens within your life is happening for you, not to you—the truth that everything that comes your way is a teacher, good, bad, indifferent; it has shown up so that you have the skills, knowledge, and ability to meet yourself in the moment. To be presently aware and meet your needs.

With this truth, you must acknowledge that there will be times of imbalance, rollercoasters of emotional and mental discord, highs and lows, ripples of greatness, moments of perceived failure, even anxiety, and uncertainty.

In all of this, you must remember to surrender.

To surrender to the moment.

To surrender to the resistance, you build into your life because you feel the need to control.

To surrender means to stop fighting, fighting yourself, your life, the natural flow of everything that is. When you stop resisting, you allow. In the allowance, control is no longer needed because nothing is out of control. Balance is found. The center is held.  

In the surrendering, you remember that you have the power to accept, move through, and change with anything that comes. You see, surrendering isn’t about inaction; it’s about being within the energy of letting go, choosing what works for you, and being within conscious understanding of what you are and are working to become.

What’s important to remember is control is often an illusion. Plans often make us feel safe.

And yet the truth is, surrendering allows the plan to unfold far better than any amount of control could ever create.

Take a full deep breath and let it go.

Inhale again – to the count of one, two, three, four. And hold it three, two, one, and release breathing out – as you do, visualize yourself releasing any roadblocks and stressors that have been circling in your mind.

Inhale balance.

Release anything that has kept you off-kilter.

Now, allow your breath to deepen, and repeat after me if it serves you.

I already know how to surrender. When I surrender, I stay open to possibilities. I am actively surrendering when I allow new things to come into my life, even if it feels shaky and unsteady.

When I surrender, I come back to me, to all of me, without conditions, heavy judgment, and negativity. When I allow balance, I welcome faith.

Because I know that by being open and allowing in the faith of all that is, I explore whatever comes my way with the mindset that everything is supporting my highest and greatest good.

As I surrender now, I improve. I see things as they are, for what they are, and instead of swimming upstream against the currents of anything that may be trying to sweep me into rough waters, I slow down, meet the moment with intention, and let go of forcing my way into stillness.

I know this energy and ability resides inside of me.

When I actively surrender, I believe. I believe in myself.

When I surrender, I let love be my guide.

When I surrender, I find gratitude and beauty in everything, even moments where beauty and appreciation seem absent to the unmindful.

When I surrender, I listen to my thoughts. I meet them with openness, gently question them, and act from a grounded space.

When I surrender, I understand that my life will never be perfect, yet there is perfection in everything. What is, what has been, what will be is perfect for me.

When I surrender, I act on my passion and unite my body, mind, and soul.

When I surrender, I acknowledge that for every negative I experience, there are at least three positive experiences waiting for me to acknowledge them. With the acknowledgment, I lean into the positive and remind myself to recognize how good things truly are for me.

As I surrender, I let go of the thoughts of yesterday. I let go of the word “should.” I remember to just be—be here in the moment, in this now, in this breath.

Take a full deep breath and let it go.

I am reminded that my timelines are simply ideas, hopes, but that while I surrender, I welcome outcomes to arrive when my highest good is served. As I release the when I raise my vibration and find alignment within all that is.

Take a full deep breath, breathing in space to find yourself in the now and release obstacles.

With this release, I remember that I can have anything my heart desires. All of my outcomes have the ability to bring me true joy. Yet, when I forget to surrender, I miss out on what is before me.

From now on, I trust that every outcome is what I need.

Today, I break the cycle of anxiety, insecurity, what if, when, and I replace those feelings with the words of surrender.

All is well.

I am safe.

I choose to focus on the best parts of me.

I am centered.

I am in control of how I respond.

I am at ease with change.

I am ready to start again, centered and without attachment.  

As I do, I find peace.


I am…Two of the most powerful words in any language. Words that direct our emotions and thoughts into movements that support us.

I am creating a joyful and meaningful life.

I am fulfilled

I am finding purpose in everything before me.

I am releasing resistance and building confidence.

I am free from the need to control.

I am authentic, mindful, and true to myself.  

Take another full deep breath and let it go.

Breath in five, four, three, two, one. Hold. And release one, two, three, four, and five.

Inhale one, two, three, four, hold and release one, two, three, four.

One more time.

Inhale, one, two, three, hold. Release one, two, three…

You have the power to surrender and own your life, not just for today, but always.

Anytime you need a moment to come back to center. Repeat these words and lean into your truth- the truth that everything has arrived in your favor—surrender to what is because this is where growth is found.  

Anytime you need a moment to come back to center. Repeat these words and lean into your truth; the truth that you are joy, and at the center of joy is you.

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Danielle Vann

Danielle A. Vann is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Life Coach to women, Meditation Instructor, and international award-winning author.


Epi 48: A Masterclass in Growth And Emotional Freedom Tapping with Psychotherapist, EFT Practitioner Catherine Ewing


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