welcome to the get your life together, girl PODCAST: “The” Blueprint to Ultimate Self-Love & Inner Peace

Hey Girl!

Quick question: Can you honestly say you have your life together—like, together, together? How about: Do you love yourself? Are you confident, happy, and fulfilled?

Most women struggle to answer “HELL YES!” to one or all of these questions! So, if that’s you, you are not alone!

Getting your life together is not a one-size-fits-all journey, and self-love is not a one-off thing you are “supposed” to do! Instead, both are “THE” result of healing your past, focusing on growth, releasing the limits you’ve owned, finding your purpose, and putting the life practices in place that best serve where you are now and where you desire to be! And yet, the questions remain: How do you get your life together? How do you love yourself? Hell, how do you create inner peace?

It’s much more straightforward than you think!

Twice a week Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, renowned Life Coach to women, Mindfulness expert, Master-Level Advanced Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Meditation Instructor, HeartMath Practitioner, Sound Healing Therapist, and Emotional Intelligence therapist, Danielle A. Vann guides you through the blueprint, the how, she masterfully created that has changed thousands of women’s lives. Vann combines psychology, mind and spiritual healing, somatic, neuroscience, mindfulness, meditation, purpose work, and the development of emotional intelligence in a no-BS, real talk, unapologetic proven strategy that flips conventional, ineffective talk therapy on its head. Think of this as your total mind, body, and soul makeover!

If you are ready to break down the barriers to your inner peace, shine a light on the things that keep you feeling “stuck,” release perceived limits, shake up your relationships, both with yourself and others, find better thoughts and behaviors, relax anxiety and stress, and learn the practices that the most mindful and successful women use daily, girl, this is the place for you!

So, let’s go! It’s time to get your life together, girl!

For daily inspiration and videos: IG @getyourlifetogethergirl and Join the Get Your Life Together, Girl Women’s Circle for 100s of downloadable, interactive practices.





Epi 347: Not Everything Has To be Hard

In the latest episode of "Get Your Life Together Girl,"we delve into how we can ease the burden of life's challenges to rediscover joy and peace, because not everything has to be difficult. While most of us are busy living, healing, and experiencing the journey of life, we often focus on what's wrong (the 10% negative experiences), instead of looking at the 90% that's good. Recognizing this balance helps prevent feeling completely overwhelmed by life's complexities. In order to fully take control over your life, we look toward your thought patterns and how we can brain hack the patterns you created.

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Epi 346: You May Be The Reason Why You are Stuck!

In the latest episode of the "Get Your Life Together Girl" podcast, we are diving into the feeling of stuck. If you feel that way right now, there is a way out, but it does mean you must do some self-evaluation and choose to show up differently. Today, we're taking a look at the behaviors that cause "stuck."

Without looking at what is causing the feeling, we can't make changes.

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Epi 345: The Growth Factor—Your Negative Approach

In the latest episode of the "Get Your Life Together Girl" podcast, we are diving into an invaluable tool I call the Growth Factor. The episode is packed with insights on how to manage those pesky moments that can derail your day and offers practical advice for maintaining inner peace.

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Epi 344: Meeting Your Unmeet Needs

In today's fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves grappling with feelings of discontent, anxiety, or general unhappiness. But have you ever paused to consider that these emotions might be stemming from unmet needs in various aspects of your life? Today, we are deep diving into what unmet needs are, how they impact you, and the way you can course correct to help yourself feel connected to yourself, something bigger than you, and the relationships you deem most important.

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Epi 343: Practice Speaking To Yourself

Negativity from another person is bad enough, but when it comes from inside your head, it’s tough to hear! Your inner conversation, the monologues that run through your mind and generally right out of your mouth, can cause heartache and a spiral of negativity.

Today, you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into why how you speak to yourself matters, the toxic impact of negative self-talk, and then, we will talk about how to change the negatives into neutrals, then positives once and for all.

Let’s get right to it.

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Epi 306: Stop Listening to Yourself & Start Talking to Yourself

Fear is a natural experience in our lives. It can be the most significant piece of baggage that many of us carry around because it’s associated with so many things, whether it’s trauma or emotional understanding, failure, rejection, or not being able to get out of the limiting beliefs; fear can be a tornado that takes us down and keeps us from fully thriving.

In fact, you can write a life blueprint and give yourself a beautiful path. However, the minute that fear puts a wall up, a boundary around you, there’s not much one can do until you move through seven skill sets that help you get out of fear and eliminate it. That’s exactly what you and I will do today in our one-on-one deep dive.

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Epi 301: Your Dysfunctional Family May Have Screwed You

How was your childhood? Half the people listening said good, and the other half shuddered. The idea of the perfect parent or family is a myth—as humans, we are all flawed to some degree. Yet, when we grow up in households that can be deemed dysfunctional, the emotional, mental, and even physical impact on our adulthood can screw us in ways we don’t even realize. Today, you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into dysfunction’s lasting and profound impacts. We’ll discuss how to begin the inner journey to release what is not serving you.

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Epi 295: Catching Feelings: Your Emotions Are Contagious

Did you know that emotions are contagious? We’ve all burst into laughter because someone is laughing, or maybe you cry when someone else starts to cry, even when you don’t have a reason to. We all take on the emotions around us—which is a different spin to catching feelings…

Today, you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into how easy it is to become the emotional energy around you and how the negatives impact you. I’m handing over a tool to help you know when an emotion is yours to carry and when it’s not. We’ll wrap it all up with how to shield yourself from catching feelings we would rather not touch.

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Epi 289: Stop Abandoning Yourself: The Truth Behind Emotional Self-Abandonment

Three words: emotional self-abandonment—it hits you right in the gut. Doesn’t it? Emotional self-abandonment happens when you feel neglected, ignored, or dismissed by the significant people in your life, such as a parent, partner, or your closest friend. When the feeling grows large enough, it takes over and leads to feeling alone, inadequate, small, disconnected, lacking self-worth and trust, and many other negatives.

So, today, you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into why we self-abandon as we piggyback on feeling disconnected and staying with ourselves over the last two weeks. We are building a better feeling you.

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Epi 283: Feeling Disconnected? Steps To Finding Yourself

Feeling connected to yourself and the five master areas of your life is essential as it shows the value you place within yourself. With disconnected, there’s a tendency to lose sight of who you are, what you want, and most certainly what you need.

That’s why you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into what it means to feel disconnected, and we’re taking small steps to take the journey home to the self.

Let’s get right to it.

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Epi 280: How You Speak to Yourself is Your Life's Instruction Manual

Negativity from another person is bad enough, but when it comes from inside your head, it’s tough to hear! Your inner conversation, the monologues that run through your mind and generally right out of your mouth, can cause heartache and a spiral of negativity.

Today, you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into why how you speak to yourself matters, the toxic impact of negative self-talk, and then, we will talk about how to change the negatives into neutrals, then positives once and for all.

Let’s get right to it.

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Epi 277: Sick of Drama? It’s Time to Remove it! Here's How…

If drama has a way of finding you, everywhere you turn, perhaps it's the environment and the people that you are around. If you want the drama to stop, there are some key factors to must witness and put in place to protect your mental and emotional health.

Today you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into detoxing the drama in your life so you may be happy! Let's dive right in.

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Epi 273: A New Year Path - A Guided Visualization Meditation

As the new year has begun, many are thinking about what they want to create within the next twelve months. Find stillness now, as this guided meditation helps you visualize what you want to manifest on your path in the here and now.

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The past often works to own our present and our future because what has been gone unhealed and unaddressed. We tend to believe that if we simply move on, what was will fall away.

Yet, this thinking robs us of a beautiful opportunity and great expansion. The events in our lives are lessons, building blocks that teach us what we came here to learn, ways of being, our desires. Our experiences teach us contrast. It shows what we want and what we do not. In this understanding, we can go deeper and explore our needs spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

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Epi 256: May Peace Settle - An Affirmation Meditation

Peace during the holidays can be difficult to find. Settle into these inner peace affirmations to clear your mind, find stillness, and enjoy the meaning of connection and the holidays.

Sit back. Release and restore.

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Epi 245: Finding Gratitude - A Guided Meditation

Welcome to this guided meditation. A moment to stop and practice gratitude. Gratitude is a powerful experience that allows your mind, body, and soul to feel happier, less stressed, and less anxious. It’s a space we begin to understand, being open to everything and closed to nothing. Gratitude practice is simply a journey of knowing that everything you need is always right inside of you.

Take a moment to settle and allow your body to come to stillness.

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Epi 239: Accepting My Humanness - A Meditation

In everything that you do, there is an element of imperfection. There is the element of your humanness. As you embark on expansion and growth, any adversity and challenge offers a tremendous gift—a gift that says contrast is your friend. Learning through your experiences, through your humanness, creates a beautiful life. When we nurture ourselves through this understanding, we grow. This guided meditation offers an opportunity to honor that growth and find stillness in the release of things working to own you.

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Epi 233: Inner Reflection - A Meditation

Today is a beautiful day to allow yourself to shine, slow down, and return to center. We tend to live life at a frantic, stressful pace. Where our to-do lists and obligations control the way we see ourselves and the possibilities before us. But when we are willing to accept there’s more for us is when we are released from the grip of our endless doing, from our unwillingness to slow, and it’s from here that we find a natural flow that provides us with room to imagine, to grow, and to thrive. It’s from here we allow ourselves to go within, to move any lack of light, and shine in all that we are.

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Epi 221: Self-Love Truths - A meditation

Find a comfortable position and take a deep breath. Allow these self-love, self-truth affirmations to soothe your soul and help you connect with the most important person in your world—you.

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  • Danielle A. Vann


  • Brógan Molloy



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