As many as 31 million people worldwide are dealing with some form of addiction, whether it’s drugs and alcohol, food or shopping, gambling, and a host of other behaviors that disrupt their lives and change their behavior. While addiction costs many emotional, mental, physical, financial, and spiritual well-being, the impact on the caretakers is not often accounted for.

The toll is tremendous and undoubtedly works to dim our spirit and often costs us our self-love. That’s why I sat down with Dana Golden, who wrote the book on the Road to Recovery, not only the addicted but also the caretaker. We chat about everything from the emotional cost to how to take care of yourself.  

Key Takeaways:

00:00 Introduction

02:10 Dana Golden’s why and how she helps families get on the other side of addiction

04:35 The six family role quiz – Take it here

06:00 Types of addiction and how they are all connected to unhealed pain

08:35 A note to the caretakers

11:39 We must learn to separate our loved one from the addiction  

13:00 How to not be an enabler  

16:53 How we move the line in the sand when loving an addict

19:40 Being the disruptor: You are never the problem

20:43 Free resources available to you right now

24:29 Greatest piece of advice for the loved ones

29:16 Dana wrote the book on recovery: Find it here

33:35 We all have to change for recovery and healing to work  

35:46 These relationships can fall into emotional and mental abuse

40:01 Change is possible with responsibility and treatment

42:42 Dana’s three gratitudes

Life is our ultimate teacher. Again, I will ask, what is your responsibility, and are you living the life you greatly desire?

If you are interested in learning more about The Road to Recovery and working with Dana, you can find more about her book and her on her website: Dana You can also find her book where books are sold.

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Danielle Vann

Danielle A. Vann is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Life Coach to women, Meditation Instructor, and international award-winning author.

Epi 113: How to Stop Loneliness in its Tracks


Epi 111: An Active Meditation For Reclaiming Your Inner light