Danielle A. Vann - Get Your Life Together, Girl

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Epi 85: Affirmations for Anxiety - Mini Meditation Reset

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Affirmations for Anxiety - MINI MEDITATION RESET The Get Your Life Together, Girl Podcast with Danielle A. Vann

When was the last time you gave yourself a mental and emotional boost? Every once in a while, we need to reset and bring ourselves back to center. Feeding yourself positive affirmations allows you to elevate your mood, find a sense of peace, and shift your perspective to help you keep your life together, girl! The Get Your Life Together, Girl mini bi-monthly reset is here to help you reset and remember who you are.

Find a comfortable position and take a full deep breath. Allow your body to find stillness, letting your shoulders relax, and your mind soften into the moment. Listen to the sounds buzzing around you. Focus your attention there and take another full deep breath.

With your exhale, prepare your heart and mind for a journey of welcoming ease and deep relaxation that is mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically gratifying. In this time together, allow yourself to let go.

As you do, remember that you have never been meant to live a life of stress, anxiety, fear, doubt, and unease. Instead, you have always been meant to live from a grounded and centered place—a place of humble reset anytime you become uncomfortable, a place of self-exploration, a place of peace.

Take another full deep breath and let it go.

As your mind finds this calm state, allow your breath to find a pattern of ease, deepening every few breaths.

Remember that anxiety is characterized by feelings of worry, fear, doubt, and dis-ease.

These feelings can range from subtle to overwhelming and influence your life in ways that disrupt and do not serve you. As anxiety pulses through your nervous system, feelings of panic and helplessness, anger, agitation, irritability, and overwhelm can follow. Your heart can pound, making everything feel so much bigger than it is.

Anxiety manifests differently in each of us, yet there is a way to reset and regain calm and clarity. There is a way to find your way back home—to center.

This is the journey we are taking together now—the journey of release.

Take another full deep breath, bringing in the stillness and letting go of anything moving through you that is less than calm.  

Allow your mind to be here, right now, only in this space.

Now, let’s begin our affirmations for anxiety.

Allow these words to guide you or repeat after me if it serves you.

My life is filled with experiences.

Each of these experiences are opportunities to teach me, to guide me into a state of constant learning and being, and open my eyes to my awareness.

With this truth, I am now learning that how I connect with these experiences dictates my perspective. Therefore, my perception dramatically influences how I feel and think.

If I believe a thought, feeling, experience, person, or relationship is trying, difficult, painful, or too much, this is the pattern I create in my mind.

The same is true if I believe the experience is meant to teach and help me open the pathway to my greatness.

I now understand that how I think impacts how I feel. To release anxiety, I must focus on my pathway forward.

Whenever an unhelpful, doubt-filled, anxious thought enters my mind, I will return to my fundamental truth. That truth is:

I am safe. I am safe to live my life openly, freely, and without fear, shame, doubt, or dis-ease.

I will remember that my brain and subconscious’s job is to keep me safe. Safe doesn’t always mean genuine danger, but it can also mean staying just the same, unmoved from the things that are harming you emotionally and mentally, because this is the pattern, I have fed myself for so long.

Today, I break that cycle.

Today I am using my thoughts, feelings, and actions to serve my life.

I begin again with I am safe.

My life is filled with brilliant opportunities.

Everything that happens within and around me are teachers, brilliant happenings to help me level up and enjoy my life.

I am strong.

I am stronger than I give myself credit for.

I can make my own choices and take actions that serve me.

Take another full deep breath and let it go.

I can easily see that I am brave.

I am no longer rejecting what I feel. Instead, I am leaning into each emotion that meets me.

I know my emotions are not bad or negative. They are to show me what needs to be changed, addressed, or leaned into. This is a beautiful and welcomed process. I am releasing the anxiety I have had around my emotions right now.

In this, I witness my powerful nature and know I can move through anything anytime.

I am attracting positive energy into my body.

My mind is clear, and I am in control.

I am worthy of a peaceful life.

I accept myself for who I am and embrace the uniqueness I was born with and have grown into.

There is nothing to be anxious about because I have everything I need for a happy, healthy, productive, grounded life.

Take another full deep breath and let it go.

I know that my natural state is balance.

I am willing to approach every situation with an open and curious mind.

I am taking everything one step at a time and living in the now.

I enjoy my inner calm.

I know what I value and place my energy there instead of on anxiety.

Take another full deep breath and let it go.

For the first time, I have faith that everything is working out.

I am not alone. I am not struggling. I can move the most significant mountain because every breath I take fills my soul with peace and ease.

I am confident.

I am in control.

I have everything I need.

When anxiety finds me again, I will breathe it away because I am no longer willing to spend my energy worrying about what will go wrong. Instead, I am excited to see what is going right.

I know that anxiety is temporary. It is not mine to own. I release it now.

Take another breath and let it go.

I love all that I am.

I am strong.

I am powerful.

I am peaceful.

I am ready to live a life of balance.

I am free from anything that does not have my highest, greatest, and most profound good at heart.

I have broken free from the shackles of anxiety.

When you are ready, let yourself bring your attention back to the current moment.

Notice how your body feels. Begin to notice the movement around you. Listen to the noises, and slowly make slight movements with your hands or mouth, moving ever so gently.

How you think matters as much as what you think.

Anytime you need a moment to come back to center. Repeat these words and lean into your truth— you are a brilliant, beautiful, balanced soul.

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Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com where you will find Danielle’s personal development/self-help blog. Until next time…be kind to yourself and others.

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