When was the last time you gave yourself a mental and emotional boost? Every once in a while, we need to reset and bring ourselves back to center. Feeding yourself positive affirmations allows you to elevate your mood, find a sense of peace, and shift your perspective to help you keep your life together, girl!

Welcome to affirmations to quiet your mind.

Find a comfortable position and take a full deep breath. Shake away any tension and allow your body to settle.

Your mind craves stillness. It desires to feel good and be a peace. You find that peace right inside of you. It’s always been there and waiting for you to call it to the forefront. To find it, place your hand over your heart. Allow your breath to match the perfect beat inside your chest. Your heart is the center of peace—it’s your guide. When you go within and connect your heart and mind in one aligned source of energy, love, and light, you quiet the rumblings of your life.

When you use positive affirmations in that deep connection, you reset your thoughts and slow down your emotions. No matter what is happening in your life, whether in a state of ebb or flow, a quiet mind and a connected heart allow everything in your world to just be.

Take a full deep breath, and let it go.

Slip away with these affirmations, allowing them to guide you into a space where your mind is only the here and now. As each word enters your heart, lock them inside—they are forever yours.  

The affirmations to quiet the mind:

Wherever I go, I bring the energy of peace and calm with me.  

My mind is clear and grounded.

My heart center is open and ready to receive.

All I need to find my inner calm is my breath and my deep inner connection.

I am open to hearing my inner voice.

I use my inner voice to guide my life.

I trust my voice and know that because of it, I am able to embrace everything that comes my way.

With this embrace, I vibrate at a higher frequency—a frequency of love and light.

I breathe in peace and breathe out any resistance I’ve created or experienced.

All I need to be calm is my breath and my inner connection.

My life is filled with beauty, even when beauty is harder to see.

I embrace everything through the lens of love.

Through this lens, I focus on the things that matter most to me.

I know that there’s a time and season for everything.

I am releasing my concerns with each breath I take.

I am in control of how I choose to approach every moment and how I respond.

This focus allows me to draw in abundance and see it all around me.

When I breathe in slowly and steadily, and exhale just the same, I let go of stress.

I lovingly forgive the past. I know it has served its purpose.

Each day I practice grounded and peaceful thoughts so that my mind stays in the energy of calm.

I attract calm.

I attract loving, attentive people into love.

I attract loving experiences.

I believe I deserve beauty.

I believe I deserve space to create.

I believe I deserve to believe me.

Each day, I grow in my ability to take on challenging situations.

I am letting my life handle as it should be, as it is.

I release all my fears.

I am living in a way that best supports my mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health.

I allow myself grace.

Calmness is the energy that surrounds me at all times.

Every cell in my body radiates harmony and peace.

I lovingly liberate myself so that serenity is mine.

I choose calm. I choose peace. I choose me.

I know that everything is always working in my favor.

I strive to change the things I can and accept those that I cannot.

In the harmony of peace, I trust the process of my life to bring only what I need and desire into my awareness.

All of my decisions and intentions are made through centered positivity.

I am releasing all negative emotions from my system.

I am always safe.

I am always divinely guided.

I am always protected.

I am worthy of peace.

I am worthy.

Everything but love and light is melting away.

I am freeing myself.

My calm energy keeps me connected.

I am becoming calmer with every deep breath I take.

I feel joy and ease at this very moment.

My life is at peace.

My heart is peacefully beating.

My mind is calm and centered in calm thoughts.

My body is calm and free.  

My feelings flow in a constant peaceful stream.

This level of love, self-acceptance, and beauty surrounds me at all times, as I am in an endless pool of harmony.  

Everything is for my highest and greatest good.

I am at complete peace now.

From now on, I can easily step outside of stress and return to my heart space.

I am ready to reclaim my power.

I am ready to celebrate every day wins, big and small.

I am ready to release, relax, and let go.

I am in control.

Nothing, and no one, has power over me. I am free.

I am learning to be my best self.

In that knowledge, I know I am strong.

I am grateful.

I am powerful.

Allow these truths flow through my mind and into my heart and circulate. They remind me to appreciate myself, to speak words of affirmation, and to always choose peace over anything else.

I am carefree. I am safe, and all is well.

I allow this tranquility to settle as I lock it inside. Peace is all around me because I am peace, and peace is me.

Take full deep breath and let it go.

Sit in these truths for as long as you need. Allow them to be your guide. Allow them to be how you see the world. Everything is always working in your favor. You are peace. You are calm. Return to center by placing your hand over your chest and saying these simple words, “Everything is for my highest and greatest good.”

When you are ready, slowly come back to yourself, taking a few small movements, while you open your eyes.

Take one last full deep breath.

You are peace, beautiful one.

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Still looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com where you will find Danielle’s personal development/self-help blog. Until next time…be kind to yourself and others.

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Danielle Vann

Danielle A. Vann is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Life Coach to women, Meditation Instructor, and international award-winning author.


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