Have you heard the term “Inner Child Healing?” It’s a popular topic on social media, but do you understand what it is and the impact it has on a healing journey? In today’s episode, I walk you through the common misconceptions and provide you with practical tools to exploring your inner child wounds.

Key Points Discussed:

The Impact of Childhood Trauma: How unresolved trauma from childhood can resurface in adulthood affecting our behaviors and relationships.

  • Four Core Wounds:

    • Abandonment

    • Guilt/Shame

    • Trust Issues

    • Neglect

      Unaddressed childhood trauma resurfaces in adulthood but recognizing these patterns allows us to heal past neglect or emotional pain. From ages 0-9 we learn safety; when this is disrupted without adult support, shame lingers long-term.

      Carl Jung introduced "inner child" as part of our psyche linked to younger years affecting adult perceptions—especially after trauma which alters our sense of security.

      Abandonment makes us repeat cycles of rejection; guilt leads to boundary issues; trust deficits create validation needs; neglect causes dissociation from self-needs—all impacting relationships deeply.

      Inner child healing involves confronting our deepest wounds—those feelings of being unsupported, unseen, or unheard. By acknowledging and working through these traumas transparently with ourselves, we open the door to change and happiness. Imagine accepting every part of yourself, including those neglected pieces craving love. This self-acceptance is powerful; it leads to a fulfilling life.

  • Healing Strategies:

    • Writing letters to your younger self

    • Acknowledging past hurts

    • Listening to what feelings emerge when thinking about childhood

    • Identifying emotional triggers

  • Tools for Supporting Inner Child Work:

    • Hugging oneself as a form of physical comfort

    • Butterfly hug technique for those uncomfortable with touch due to trauma

    • Mirror work with affirmations

    • Practicing self compassion through journaling or meditation

Notable moments:

"When we begin to acknowledge our hurts…we open the door to connect with ourselves."

"Every time we get to a new place [in healing], it’s likely that you open something else."

"…inner child healing is about identifying the core wounds where we didn't feel supported, seen or heard…"

Remember, it's never too late to begin healing. You can learn to express emotions healthily and cultivate self-love and worth—it's all within reach. Choose what you want over trauma.

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Danielle Vann

Danielle A. Vann is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Life Coach to women, Meditation Instructor, and international award-winning author.


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