In the latest episode of "Get Your Life Together Girl,"we delve into how we can ease the burden of life's challenges to rediscover joy and peace, because not everything has to be difficult. While most of us are busy living, healing, and experiencing the journey of life, we often focus on what's wrong (the 10% negative experiences), instead of looking at the 90% that's good. Recognizing this balance helps prevent feeling completely overwhelmed by life's complexities. In order to fully take control over your life, we look toward your thought patterns and how we can brain hack the patterns you created.

Brain Science in Thought Formation

Understanding how our thoughts are formed is pivotal:

  • Neurons release neurotransmitters.

  • These create electrical signals.

  • Connections between thousands of neurons form thought patterns.

Negative loops reinforce themselves over time if left unchecked. Therefore, mindfulness about what thoughts we nurture becomes critical for maintaining mental well-being.

Role of the Reticular Activating System (RAS)

The RAS acts as our brain’s bouncer:

  • It filters what we perceive.

  • Allows us to focus selectively based on given instructions.

By giving specific instructions focused on positivity or joy rather than stress or negativity, you can effectively reprogram your perception towards more uplifting aspects of life.

Strategies for Shifting Mindsets Towards Joy — the 90%

Here are some actionable steps recommended by Danielle:

  1. Identify Desires: Determine what you want out of life—how you wish to feel—and set clear intentions.

  2. Validate Thoughts: Regularly check whether your current thoughts align with these pre-set intentions.

  3. Assess Importance: Decide which thoughts need attention versus those that don’t deserve energy.

  4. Understand Triggers: Recognize triggers for both joy and stress; use them wisely to guide emotional responses positively.

Concrete Steps Against Negative Experiences

To counteract negativity effectively:

  • Accept support from others instead of isolating yourself.

  • Connect with like-minded individuals who reinforce positive thinking habits.

  • Engage deeply with emotions but avoid overcomplicating situations unnecessarily.

Strategies for Shifting Mindset & Promoting Joy

Here are some actionable steps:

Identify Intentions

Ask yourself these questions regularly:

  1. What do I want?

  2. How do I want to feel?

  3. What do I need?

  4. How will I achieve it?

Validate your thoughts against these intentions consistently.

Understand Triggers

Recognize what triggers both your joy and stress:

  1. Use joyful triggers as guides for emotional responses.

  2. Manage stressful triggers effectively by acknowledging them without letting them dominate your mindset.

Concrete Steps Against Negativity

To counteract negative experiences:

Accept Support

Break cycles of isolation by accepting help from others when needed—it’s okay not always being self-reliant!

Connect with Like-Minded People

Surround yourself with people who reinforce positive thinking—they become anchors during turbulent times!

Engage With Feelings

Understand your feelings deeply; don’t overcomplicate things unnecessarily—simplicity often holds clarity!

Focus On Self-Care

Avoid harmful escapism like substance abuse—instead indulge responsibly in activities bringing genuine pleasure such as nature walks or connecting closely with friends/family members etc..

Allow breaks akin reflecting upon concept an overflowing wine glass—to manage healing without becoming overwhelmed completely…

Remember, what you think and what you focus on grows. You must be careful with your mind and thoughts.

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Danielle Vann

Danielle A. Vann is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Life Coach to women, Meditation Instructor, and international award-winning author.

Epi 346: You May Be The Reason Why You are Stuck!