You’ve probably heard the saying, “Control is an illusion.” And for all points and purposes, it absolutely is. It is also one of the greatest paradoxes we experience in life. We are to be in control, but not try to control every situation, while finding a sense of control to keep ourselves safe. It’s no wonder we screw this up and use control in ways that often negatively impact us.

That’s why you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into control. We’ll take a journey into the three root causes of control, and we’ll talk about repairing your relationship with specific outcomes, no matter what situations you may be facing. By the end of this conversation, you’ll have a new understanding of why the art of surrendering is so damn important!

So, let’s dive right in!

Key Takeaways:

00:00 Introduction  

01:43 Control is one of the biggest paradoxes of our lives  

04:10 We must explore our relationship with control  

05:00 What does control mean for you? Control = safety

08:10 How control drives anxiety

11:36 Which the word “feel” for “control” and see how things change, both positive and negative

12:47 The more you let go the more control you  have and where control is rooted

 19:19 Lack manifests into control, especially when it comes to self-esteem

26:48 Your brain operates through patterns and how safety is achieved

31:12 Formulate your definition of safety and what it means to surrender

33:33 The ins and outs of surrendering and the questions to ask yourself  

38:00 The benefits of surrender and reevaluating our need for safety

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I also invite you to check out the new 15-day Affirmation Course, where I take you on a journey through how to your brain chemistry and your greatest desires to your benefits. It’s available to start right now!

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Danielle Vann

Danielle A. Vann is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Life Coach to women, Meditation Instructor, and international award-winning author.

Epi 206: Put A Number on It: The Scale of Importance - Mindset Reset


Epi 204: Pause & Affirm: My Thoughts Have Power