Your thoughts are powerful. They create your reality, but if your thoughts are not based on truth, the reality you create is off-balanced and holding you back.

This week we’re taking a one-on-one deep dive into examining the common lies we tell ourselves, why these powerful misdirectors show up in our lives, how they run against our ability to love ourselves fully, and how to break up with these mistruths once and for all.

I’ll warn you now, you may be triggered by the thoughts you’ve been feeding yourself. So, let’s dive right in!  

Key Takeaways:

00:00 Introduction

01:28 Do you ever lie to yourself?

04:34 A new definition of lie and why we lie to ourselves

07:28 The top 10 lies that we tell ourselves are often the biggest factor as to why we feel stuck  

07:45 Lie #1 My life is harder than everyone else’s

11:49 Lie #2 I have to be perfect

13:38 Lie #3 I don’t have a choice

15:35 Lie #4 If I avoid a situation, it will go away 

16:53 Lie #5 An apology makes things better  

18:30 Lie #6 If I take care of others, I am taking care of myself  

19:31 Lie #7 I don’t know how to be happy, or I’m not the happy type

20:48 Lie #8 If I could just (fill in the blank) my life would be so much better

22:08 Lie #9 Everything is either 100% great or 100% bad  

23:33 Lie #10 I can’t follow my heart

24:57 How do we change the lies?

          Step 1: Examine the lie itself

26:53 Step 2: Create a new intention that is the opposite of the lie

27:44 Step 3: Create a plan/goal that allows you to shift the lie and creates actionable steps   

29:20 Step 4: Practice the opposite of the lie

30:20 Step 5: Find comfortable in the risk

31:11 Step 6: Check in with your self-talk

34:22 Create a priority list

This is the blueprint to shattering the lies we tell ourselves. Meet yourself in the middle of grace and new thoughts. You deserve to live a life of authenticity, peace, and self-love, and it is an essential step to getting your life together, girl.

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Danielle Vann

Danielle A. Vann is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Life Coach to women, Meditation Instructor, and international award-winning author.

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