Epi 100: Purpose Hunting: Questions to Help Root Out Your Purpose - Mindset Reset

Oh, my goodness, this is the 100th episode of the Get Your Life Together, Girl Podcast! What an adventure this has been—I’m so grateful for everyone who has listened, written in, asked questions, and suggested topics. You’ve made all 100 episodes incredibly special. I’m excited to see what another 100 brings.

Today, I thought we would chat about purpose!

So, let’s dive in. First, I want us to shift our perspective. I believe we have gotten too narrow in our thinking when it comes to the idea of living our purpose or finding one life purpose. This conversation may go against popular belief, and I’m okay with that.

To help us, I’ve collected and combined a few definitions of purpose to support our mindset shift.

A purpose is the reason for which something is done or created. So it’s having an intention, aim, or objective for something you want to accomplish or attain.

Now, nowhere in those definitions does it say your purpose is a singular aspect of your life that everything you do, think, and say must be driven through or created from one intention, one goal, one reason.

Sit with that for a minute.

How many of us have been told that we have one purpose in life?

The word purpose is allowed to have an s at the end of it—purposes.

When I’ve spoken to women about this idea, many have taken a deep breath and realized they knew exactly what they wanted to do in their lives, which is rarely singular.

For others, they need a bit more push and understanding. Wherever you are, that’s okay! If you want confirmation or need to dive deeper into what will bring you ultimate fulfillment, let’s walk through the purpose-hunting process.

First, grab a pen!

This exercise is divided into two journaling experiences. The first is looking for some general answers in your life, and then we’ll dive a bit deeper into the times in your life that you felt alive, aligned with yourself and whatever you believe in, and truly making a difference. Then, once we get through the questions, I’ll explain what you are looking for within your answers.

So, the first set of questions are:

#1 What did you always want to do or be when you grew up? If you are currently doing this, great, write it down, too.

#2 What is something or multiple things that are you consistently drawn toward? Create a list and then write out what about them draws you to them,

#3 If you had zero financial concerns and every need and want was met, how would you spend your time? What would you do?

#4 Lastly, if you were on your death bed today, is there something you would say you wished you had done?

Please answer these questions without judgment. Be truthful and allow yourself to be open.

Once you have completed these answers, shift gears into the next part of this exercise and answer these questions:

#1 Can you identify and list the times in your life when you’ve felt most passionate?

#2 When are the times you’ve felt the most fulfilled?

#3 When have you felt like your life had the most meaning?

#4 When are the times you’ve felt the most aligned in your mental health, physical health, financial well-being, spiritual practices, and emotional regulation, and what were you doing in those times?

#5 When are the times when you’ve experienced the most flow or ease in your life?

The purpose of these questions is to help you see patterns. If you look over your answers, you will find commonalities and patterns.

So, let’s break down the patterns you are looking for:

Patterns in behavior. These would be the activities and things you do that make you feel your best. This is the easiest thing to root out.

Patterns of being. Look at your sense of self. What are the things you constantly do that add to your life that you may not even realize are connected to your purpose?

We often do things tied to our purposes, and we don’t even realize it. Purpose hunting allows us to get down to what is already happening in our daily lives and our thought process and root out and confirm what is already in our path.

Now, for those of you that say, I don’t know the answer or I don’t have anything I love. Yes, you do. You may have forgotten, gotten tied up with other things that you are “supposed” to be doing, and have moved away from the things that fill your soul.

And in that case, write down these questions and visit getyourlifetogethergirl.com to print them off and let them marinate for a bit. This isn’t a race to find an answer. An answer will come.

Each of us has reasons for being; the question is: What is yours?

I hope this gives you a new insight into purpose. We must stop overcomplicating the things that make us happiest and most fulfilled, and start living in and from a space that truly lights us up. That is and will forever be available to all of us! And so, I challenge each of you to you reset your mindset.  

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Danielle Vann

Danielle A. Vann is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Life Coach to women, Meditation Instructor, and international award-winning author.


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