Danielle A. Vann - Get Your Life Together, Girl

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Epi 360: Creating A Life Plan

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Epi 360: Creating A Life Plan The Get Your Life Together, Girl Podcast with Danielle A. Vann

Happy 2025!

It’s time to take action and become your greatest self! That begs the question, how? You need a life plan! In today’s episode, I’m breaking down how to create your much needed life plan with the work you’ve already done—diving into what you want, need, and how you want to feel! We are bringing our four-week journey to a close with this step-by-step plan.

Let’s dive in!


When creating your life plan, you must answer one important question: What legacy do you want to leave?

This question and answer allows you to have more awareness of what's important to you. If you put action into your life, your life will change.


-Highlights what is utmost important to you

-Keeps you accountable

-Gives you the confidence to take action to overcome your fears

-Understandable way to get to obtainable goals because you have broken your goals down into actionable steps

-Helps you prioritize

Create a life plan instead of New Year Resolutions! This is a far more sustainable way to move forward.


  1. Start with creating your vision statement

    Imagine your dream life. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Be specific in the details. What do you look like in this vision—meaning, what kind of energy are you putting out?

    Picture yourself already there and write out your vision. If you need help, use these questions: Do you see? What do you hear? Who are you with? How do you spend your days? How much money do you make? How are you making that money? What have you accomplished? Where do you live? What emotions and feelings are you feeling?

    What is your daily routine look like? Once you've written out your vision, think about what you need to achieve in order to make that vision come about.

  2. , What do you need to achieve in order to make that vision a reality?

    Do you need to go back to school? Increase your income? Change your health? List what you must do.

  3. Turn this into a more visual form, whether that's on a social media board or even just on a vision board.

  4. Perform a personal assessment

    A personal assessment is where we're looking at your achievement so far up until this point in your life. It's like taking stock of your success and failures.

    And by the way, many people hate doing this because they become really concerned that they haven't done enough. Stop the judgment. Just look at the lessons that you've learned, the experiences that you're not willing to repeat.

    When you're doing your personal assessment plan, look at all of the areas of your life: relationships and personal growth, finances, emotional well-being, your community, your career, your physical health, the five master areas of your life. Rate your happiness factor from 1 to 5.

  5. Adjust your focus

    What is step one?

  6. Create SMART Goals

    S - Specific

    M - Measurable

    A - Attainable

    R - Relevant

    T - Time bound

  7. Set Deadlines and Reviews

    How am I going to stay motivated?

    You're going to have a deflation of your motivation and some unforeseen challenge. The answer is to allow yourself to take breaks and come back to your plan. It’s your accountability partner. Most importantly, stay in action.

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