Epi 82: Infusing Loving Kindness - Mini Meditation Reset
Loving-kindness or Metta meditation is the ultimate form of generous, selfless love toward the self. This is a traditional meditation combined with new affirmations and self-kindness.
As it is said, hatred cannot coexist with love and kindness. It dissipates when supplanted with thoughts of love and compassion.
The longest relationship you will have during your time on this earth is the one you have with yourself. If the relationship does not reflect love, compassion, and kindness, you cannot reflect the same emotions and movements to those around you. What is happening within us is reflected out into the world through our actions and the way we show up. When out of balance, we find mirror relationships, experiences, and feelings, thus the importance of genuine loving-kindness.
Epi 80: Are You In Need of Peace? - Mini Mindset Reset
Your daily habits and routines are far more critical and impactful than you may think. One of the complaints or misalignments I hear is that many women feel their lives are not what they wanted them to be. They feel stuck, uninspired, off-balance, and certainly not peaceful. Yet, when I ask for them to walk me through their day-to-day life, we can often root out that they are simply not engaging in their lives in a way that is fulfilling or nurturing their rounded well-being. They have shifted into autopilot and lack a framework that helps them engage in the balance, inspiration, and peace they so deeply deserve and desire.
Epi 78: Finding My Way to The Here and Now - Mini Meditation Reset
We often forget that our lives are lived in moments, in the now. We allow yesterday to own us—find its ways into our thoughts, emotions, and actions. We bring forth broken pieces while we refuse to hold on to the good. When we are in the good, we easily concentrate on where we want to be—the goals, intentions, and the pieces that drive us forward while failing to remember that we need today to prosper.
The reality is each day is a teacher. Each moment has something for you inside of it. When we are unaware, focused on everything but the moment, we are likely to miss the magic in which is the key for our abundance, ability to thrive, the very opening of our purpose, courage, and highest, truest, most authentic, greatest self.
To fully claim your life, you must be IN your life. And your life is now.
Epi 74: Accepting What Is - Mini Meditation Reset
There are times in our lives when we find ourselves struggling, even fighting with our thoughts and emotions. In times of change or stagnation, we can feel as if nothing is happening for us, and everything is happening to us. These feelings can cause turmoil, which upsets our emotional and mental balance. When we become aware that a struggle is within us, we become disrupted and uncomfortable. Our instincts push against the unfamiliar, the unknown, as we roll around with the discomfort, adding a mentality of lack, stress, and anxiety.
Epi 71: Shattering Your Limiting Beliefs
If you have spent any time working toward personal growth or have read any personal development books you have likely heard the term “limiting beliefs.” While the conversation around limiting beliefs seems to be the “it” topic right now, many do not go deep enough into these psychological defense mechanisms to explain what they are, let alone where they come from.
Today, we’re taking a one-on-one deep dive into how limiting beliefs negatively impact your life, how we trick our brains into believing our limits are keeping us safe, and I’ll walk you step-by-step into identifying your limiting beliefs, and most importantly how to shatter them and ultimately eradicate them from your life!
Epi 70: Honoring Your Soul And Inner Light - Meditation Reset
You are a masterpiece of light, love, infinite beauty, and peace. This light is your energy, your soulful, most authentic self.
In this understanding, you can claim all that you are and honor your inner light that has helped you rise above darkness, hard times, and negativity. If you are not willing to give your very best, life is not going to offer much in return. Within each hour, day, week, and month, there is a time for everything. There is a time for letting go of self-destruction. There is a time for building and growing. There is a time for motion and rest. There is a time for wellness. There is always time for whatever is to be. That is if you make and take the time, and that begins with honoring your very being.
Epi 68: Build Heartfelt Appreciation Within Minutes Each Day - Mini Mindset Reset
In every action, experience, in every being, there is something for which we can be grateful. In fact, did you know that genuine appreciation and the practice of such in our lives can facilitate healing within our mind, body, and spirit?
In today’s mindset reset, we are leaning into four quick and easy gratitude exercises that take only a few minutes each and have incredible results when practiced. Think about how much your day-to-day would shift if you took a moment to count your blessings instead of glazing over them.
Epi 67: The Secrets Behind Making Meditation Work for You!
This week we are taking a one-on-one deep dive into a practice that allows us to do just that. What is it? It’s meditation.
This isn’t your typical conversation about breathing and quieting the mind. Instead, we’re taking a journey through the science and benefits, breaking down meditation myths, and I’ll hand over what most people do wrong when they practice. This is one conversation that gives you the tools to use your mind to your greatest benefit.
Epi 66: Breaking Free - The Power of Actively Observing Meditation Reset
Your mind is a wonderous place—a place of insight. It’s a place that has the power to serve you if you take the time to observe and notice the mental activity you give your attention to. When the mind gets lost in thought, you have the power to regain your focus, to shed light on the darkness, to offer yourself trust, and let go of negativity, anxiety, and leave overthinking where it belongs—outside of you. Checking in, going within the thought process gives you the power to be non-reactive to the thoughts that do not serve your life.
Epi 64: How to Build Resiliency in 15 Minutes - Mindset Reset
Life is filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, and moments where we are tested. But, as the saying goes, the only constant thing in life is change.
For today’s mindset reset, we are leaning into how to build resilience in our day-to-day lives.
Many of us struggle with bouncing back when hard things enter our lives. Unfortunately, most focus on the problem instead of what it will take to move forward or the strategies they have already used in the past. The truth is the problem is more with our focus and inner belief than anything. Yet, this would definitely be different if we had a resiliency plan.
Epi 63: 15 Signs You Are An Empath!
Do you feel things deeply? Have you ever been told you are too sensitive? Are you the peacemaker amongst your friends and family?
If so, you may be an empath. Being an empath is a superpower if you know how to use it to your advantage.
This week we are taking a one-on-one deep dive into what it means to be an empath, the top 15 signs that you are one, how to regulate your emotional and mental wellbeing from today forward, the brain science behind the empathic feeling, and lastly, we’ll chat about grounding and necessary practices you need to make your life work for you!
Epi 62: Affirmations To Ignite Your Inner Goddess- Mini Meditation Reset
Let these words ignite the goddess within you. The root of the word goddess means “bright” or “shine.” As women, we tend to underestimate our divine feminine power—at best, we ignore it; at worst, we demonize it. Yet, this light and power within is the energy that creates our life. We have always been meant to harness it, own it, and use it for our greatest good.
Your femininity is your divine superpower. In this moment, we are connecting with and to her, honoring her, and reminding ourselves that the light within us shall never be dimmed again. From now on, I am honoring my truths and affirming my power.
Epi 60: Mindset Reset: How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and Stressed Immediately!
Stress comes in many forms, and too much stress, of any type, can feel overwhelming and all-consuming at times. It can even have us losing faith in ourselves and the world around us, because we all know that stress has a way of building to the point that even the simplest moments can become challenging and unmanageable, our health can be impacted, and it can even affect our relationships and our day-to-day happiness factor.
Epi 59: Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You
Are you moving through something big right now? You are not alone! However, we often think we are when we move through significant moments. In this space, we struggle to let go of what is no longer serving us because fear and guilt trump our needs and our perceived worthiness to have a grounded, healthy, and happy life.
And thanks to fear, many believe that letting go is impossible, traumatic, or downright impossible. This week we are doing just that through a one-on-one deep dive into the shadow side of healing. We’re entering a space where we consciously create a path for our deepest desires, the self-awareness process, and learning how to let go of people and relationships, heavy emotions and trauma, attachment, and the obstacles that stand in our way.
Epi 58: I Am Ready For New Beginnings - Mini Meditation Reset
The truth is that your life is working in your favor; everything that has arrived has done so to teach, elevate, and move you where you need to be. In this understanding, you can claim yourself and this moment, today, piece-by-piece through every thought, feeling, and action you take. In witnessing this, you have the power to own the love story you came here to create—the unstoppable love story with and of the self. This starts by claiming your life through a new beginning.
Epi 56: How to Challenge Your Negative Thoughts in 6 Proven Steps - Mini Mindset Reset
We’re kicking off the first mini mindset reset with one of the topic situations I am most asked about: how to challenge negative thinking.
So, let’s jump right in.
If you practice this exercise consistently, you’ll be amazed by how automatic it will become to challenge your negative thoughts and negative thinking loops. This practice is excellent for dealing with anxiety, too. So, give yourself 15 minutes and give it a try before you begin to work it into your day-to-day life. It does take practice.
Epi 55: How to Silence Your Inner Critic for Good!
When was the last time you listened to your inner conversation? Is it serving you, or does it take you down? Most women struggle with their inner critic and tend to beat themselves up. Is this you? If so, there’s one essential life practice that can silence the inner critic, help you release the need to trash yourself and your worth, and is the ultimate foundation of self-love.
What is it? It’s self-empathy.
While you may be familiar with having empathy for others, turning this practice inward changes the inner conversation and opens the door to cultivating inner peace, happiness, and gives you the courage to be the woman who loves themselves fiercely.
Epi 54: I Am Holding Space For Myself - April Mini Meditation Reset
We live so much of our days outside of ourselves—engaging in what works for others, showing up, listening to opinions. We give our time and energy to those we love and want to see thrive. We prioritize things that do not fulfill us or make us happy. While serving others is a beautiful means of service, when our mental space is nearly always occupied, it’s challenging to check in with ourselves, give to ourselves, and fulfill our needs.
To do so, we must consciously and willing hold space for ourselves. Holding space is the ultimate act of self-acceptance, self-love, and worthiness.
Epi 52: Negative Thoughts Running Your Life? How to Stop Them Immediately!
Do negative thoughts trip you up?
There’s not a single person who isn’t impacted by negative thoughts at some point in their lives, if not in their daily lives. Unfortunately, many do not realize that negative thought loops can swiftly destroy their mood, rock their confidence, and erode their self-esteem after mere weeks of practicing thoughts that do not serve them.
If we want to get our lives together, we must learn to embrace the opportunity to shift out of old pattern thinking. If old patterns and limiting beliefs are not the issues, we must examine whether we have a negativity addiction. Regardless of why, when we are open to the possibility of change, we can literally change our lives by changing our minds with daily practice.
Epi 51: I Am Pure Magic - March Mini Meditation Reset
It’s time to allow yourself to remember your magic—the nuances, the subtle differences that make you, you. It’s time to own that magic, one beautiful experience and one trait at a time. Whether you’ve forgotten or are just now meeting yourself for the first time, the truth is, you are inventive. You are transformative. You are capable of owning the life you came here to create. You are unstoppable, beautiful, and the very definition of strength.
Danielle A. Vann
Brógan Molloy
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