welcome to the get your life together, girl PODCAST: “The” Blueprint to Ultimate Self-Love & Inner Peace

Hey Girl!

Quick question: Can you honestly say you have your life together—like, together, together? How about: Do you love yourself? Are you confident, happy, and fulfilled?

Most women struggle to answer “HELL YES!” to one or all of these questions! So, if that’s you, you are not alone!

Getting your life together is not a one-size-fits-all journey, and self-love is not a one-off thing you are “supposed” to do! Instead, both are “THE” result of healing your past, focusing on growth, releasing the limits you’ve owned, finding your purpose, and putting the life practices in place that best serve where you are now and where you desire to be! And yet, the questions remain: How do you get your life together? How do you love yourself? Hell, how do you create inner peace?

It’s much more straightforward than you think!

Twice a week Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, renowned Life Coach to women, Mindfulness expert, Master-Level Advanced Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Meditation Instructor, HeartMath Practitioner, Sound Healing Therapist, and Emotional Intelligence therapist, Danielle A. Vann guides you through the blueprint, the how, she masterfully created that has changed thousands of women’s lives. Vann combines psychology, mind and spiritual healing, somatic, neuroscience, mindfulness, meditation, purpose work, and the development of emotional intelligence in a no-BS, real talk, unapologetic proven strategy that flips conventional, ineffective talk therapy on its head. Think of this as your total mind, body, and soul makeover!

If you are ready to break down the barriers to your inner peace, shine a light on the things that keep you feeling “stuck,” release perceived limits, shake up your relationships, both with yourself and others, find better thoughts and behaviors, relax anxiety and stress, and learn the practices that the most mindful and successful women use daily, girl, this is the place for you!

So, let’s go! It’s time to get your life together, girl!

For daily inspiration and videos: IG @getyourlifetogethergirl and Join the Get Your Life Together, Girl Women’s Circle for 100s of downloadable, interactive practices.





#6 TOP EPISODE OF 2023: EPI 214 Resetting the Nervous System with Jan WinHall, Felt Sense Polyvagal Model™

Trauma, dysregulated emotions, high levels of stress and anxiety, all have a way of rewiring and changing your nervous system. The changes are so significant they can cause disease as you witness and carry your dis-ease; they cause coping mechanisms and self-harm, and a host of other significant life impacts. Yet, there is a way to retrain the autonomic nervous system and your relationship to your experiences.

I sat down with trauma and addiction therapist, Polyvagal Institute Course Developer, teacher, and author Jan Winhall to talk about how to shift out of flight/fight/fold and freeze, and how we can connect with ourselves and change and get out of the impending danger we feel that keeps us from relaxing and enjoying our lives.

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EPI 244: 6 Elements of Mindfulness & Therapy With Adalina East and the Cosmic Leadership Podcast

Healing and beginning the journey of therapy is often a scary one for many—especially when unsure of which type of therapy to choose or what is involved. Knowing where to start and what to choose is a crucial element of any healing journey. Then add trying to approach your life, unless guided mindfully, can confuse, and then you may do what so many do, which is call this journal quits!

That’s why therapist Adalina East and I sat down to chat about mindfulness and therapy on her podcast, Cosmic Leadership. She was gracious enough to allow me to share it here with you. You are in for a real treat as we talk more about the five masters of our lives, the six elements of mindfulness that highly improve your life, calming anxiety through breathwork, EFT, and how to avoid stopping your self-growth journey!

If you have ever wondered what therapists talk about when they are alone, this is a great conversation to let you inside.

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EPI 238: What If I Did? with Julee Gracey

"What if" these two small words significantly impact your mental and emotional health, yet the question isn't complete. What if you finished with the words, "you did…" Rounding out the sentence to sound like, "What if you did?" That simple exchange takes the mind in a whole new direction—from looking for the negatives in any given situation to looking for possibility, openness, and what could be.

I sat down with executive coach Julee Gracey to talk about opening ourselves up to possibilities, a way to shift out of impostor syndrome, and breaking down how to think in new patterns regardless of the situation. It's a fantastic conversation that is filled with little nuggets and tools to help you own your truest self.

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EPI 232: Now It’s Your Turn with Karen Castilon

What would happen if you gave yourself permission to put yourself in the first position and prioritize yourself? Many deem the first position a place of selfishness. But it’s is really? When done correctly, it absolutely is not! What does that look like and how do you get there in a way that is sustainable and long-lasting?   

I sat down with Karen Casitlon to talk about her journey to prioritizing herself that started with these words: Now it’s your turn. In this beautiful conversation, Karen guides each of us through making shifts in our lives, finding our inner stillness and power, and leaning into the growth you’ve always been meant to find from the top of your priority list.

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EPI 227: Prioritizing YOU! Free Virtual Event

I’m so excited to be a part of the Prioritize You virtual retreat. It’s 5 straight days of conversations, practices, and tools to give you ideas, inspirations, and practical tips about how to make time for yourself, even if you only have a few minutes a day!

The Prioritize You virtual retreat is completely FREE, but you have to save your seat to get access. Claim your ticket to the online retreat here: https://prioritizeyouretreat.com/danielle

And, remember, YOU are worth it!

Because, let’s get real — if not now, when?

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EPI 226: Get Confident and Overcome with Johnelle Hosking

From the Get Confident Podcast with Johnelle Hoskings

Sit back and listen to a wonderful conversation with Johnelle Hosking.

We have an incredible guest, Danielle Vann, who shares her powerful journey of finding her voice and permitting herself to live authentically. Danielle opens up about her experiences, from asking for permission from others to the transformative process of giving herself permission. We'll dive into the five areas where we seek permission: emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, and financial and how they impact our well-being.

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EPI 220: The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment with Michele Blood

What is the purpose of life? Big question. Some believe it’s to live humbly, have a few experiences, and do their best. For others, they think they’re here to leave a massive mark on the world. They believe purpose is found in the doing. While others believe the purpose of life is to be enlightened. Spiritual enlightenment is a state of awareness of the world and the true nature of oneself and the universe around them. It’s a conscious act of releasing pain, suffering, fear, and the ego. We find alignment, self-realization, and the real self in this ever-changing process.

But the question is how? How does one do this, especially if life has been fraught with hardships?

I sat down with Michele Blood, a singer from Australia with an international following, as she recounts moments after a car accident that changed her path and how her voice has helped thousands transform their lives through affirmation and find their way into the purpose of life—true enlightenment. Michele’s story reminds us that each of us has a purpose; our voice creates powerful movements in our lives, and we have an inner knowledge we have the power to tune into.

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EPI 214: Resetting the Nervous System with Jan WinHall, Felt Sense Polyvagal Model™

Trauma, dysregulated emotions, high levels of stress and anxiety, all have a way of rewiring and changing your nervous system. The changes are so significant they can cause disease as you witness and carry your dis-ease; they cause coping mechanisms and self-harm, and a host of other significant life impacts. Yet, there is a way to retrain the autonomic nervous system and your relationship to your experiences.

I sat down with trauma and addiction therapist, Polyvagal Institute Course Developer, teacher, and author Jan Winhall to talk about how to shift out of flight/fight/fold and freeze, and how we can connect with ourselves and change and get out of the impending danger we feel that keeps us from relaxing and enjoying our lives.

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EPI 208: The Coping Mechanism of Emotional Eating with Jessica Procini

What does the term “coping mechanisms” mean to you? The term has taken on an understanding that doesn’t fully explain a coping mechanism or how it can take you into dark places in your life. After all, they are more than just the things you do because at the base of every coping mechanism is a hope that you have a sense of safety and control, even if it isn’t a true security blanket.

When we use our coping mechanisms against ourselves, we create less than fulfilling lives. This is especially true if your coping mechanism is something that requires work. An example of that work is emotional eating.

While many of us do not look at our eating habits and relationship with food as disordered, it can be without even realizing it. Any disordered habits create disordered thinking, which upsets our emotional balance. That’s why I sat down with the founder and leader of Escape From Emotional Eating Jessica Procini to talk about the root of this coping mechanism and how to tackle it if this is a struggle for you. Jessica even hands over a priceless tool you can use right now!

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EPI 202: The Tools that Heal with Dr. Jane Tornatore

One of the best things we can do for ourselves is dig deep and uncover why we do what we do. This work is an intentional act that takes getting to know yourself, releasing connections to things that do not serve us, and choosing the energy and practices we want to grow through. An unhealed life often feels like an overwhelming sense of danger, powerlessness, and fear. Healing creates safety and empowers self-authority.

And yet, the question always is: how do we get there?

I sat down with Dr. Jane Tornatore to talk about the “how.” She and I share our best-used tools for healing in a fantastic conversation that will leave you with many starting points and excellent practices and tools you can try right now to create or move you forward in your journey.

Grab a pen and a piece of paper! You’re going to need it!

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EPI 196: The Bipolar Brain: From Broken to Blessed with Sara Schley

According to the World Health Organization, bipolar disorder is one of the top three causes of hospitalization in people aged 15 to 44. It’s estimated that 5% of the world’s population is on the bipolar spectrum and of that 5%, only 1 to 2% are diagnosed. And while those percentages may seem small, with over 8 billion people currently in the world, we are talking about over 400 million people with bipolar brains.

It’s far more common than you think. In the US alone, around 4.4% of adults deal with or develop bipolar disorder, and the numbers show it impacts more females than males.

I sat down with author and fimmaker Sara Schley to talk about her experience with bipolar disorder and how she has turned what she calls her broken into a blessing as she serves the world by spreading knowledge and resources for those who believe there’s little hope out there. In fact, that’s the furthest from the truth. So, whether you have a diagnosis, know someone who does, or has it genetically within your family, this moving, impactful conversation is filled with understanding, truths, science, and community.

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EPI 190: No More Diets & Building More Confidence with Sports Nutritionist Esther Avant

Confidence is an essential part of loving yourself. It’s a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of their own abilities and qualities. Yet, there’s often an aspect that gets in the way of true, sustainable confidence and that’s how we view and think of our physical form. When we are not happy with our bodies, our confidence tends to tank. I sat down with Esther Avant, sports nutritionist, personal trainer, health and weight loss coach, and owner of EA Coaching. Together, we move through building confidence, the important steps we all must take to properly care for our bodies and minds, and we even dive into how women over 40 can best change their mindset as they age.  So, let’s dive right in!

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EPI 184: Exploring Childhood Trauma with Riana Milne, MA

I often talk about trauma, what it is, and how it impacts our behavior. Still, unless you are sitting in private therapy sessions with me or someone else, you rarely get a glimpse of the small nuances of trauma, especially trauma that occurs in childhood.

I sat down with fellow trauma expert, therapist, and author Riana Milne to talk about childhood trauma, mindset, and how we can take control of our lives despite what has happened in our past. Riana helps us understand that many things we do result from something we may need to clean up.

So, let’s dive right in!

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EPI 178: Human Design with Dr. Veronica

Have you heard of Human Design? It’s a holistic self-knowledge system that is a tool to help you understand how you function and the individual conditions you need to thrive. When we have our human design, we can unlock our strengths and dive into our instincts, intuition, and personal empowerment.

I sat down with Dr. Veronica Anderson to walk us through the human design and the Kolbe Index in a fun, educational, and eye-opening conversation.

You’ll want to listen to the very end, as Dr. Veronica offers you the ability to learn about yourself through these fantastic systems, too.

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EPI 166:What Are You Standing For? Rejection & Self-Confidence with Amy Wong

This life is a life of feelings. Each of us shows up to our day-to-day because we either feel a certain way or seek to change the status of our feelings. Either way, we are feeling our way through each moment. And, two actions that cause big feelings are rejection and self-confidence. While many believe feeling rejected comes solely from trauma, the most authentic understanding and operation of rejection is much deeper than that. With rejection, our self-confidence fades. With self-confidence, we take rejection for what it is, a teacher.

To go deeper in this understanding, I sat down with coach and author Amy Wong to take a deep dive into understanding our feelings, getting to the bottom of rejection, how to know what you stand for in your life, and we explore how you can own your self-confidence in a way that is not only long-lasting but is a true movement in your life.

It's a genuine conversation about life tools that will blow you away!

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EPI 160: Is Stress Your Kryptonite? with Dr. Gala Gorman

Is stress your kryptonite? Stress is one of the body’s natural hormonal responses that can overload your body. Recent stats regarding stress are staggering. Worldwide from 2020 to now, Residents of England and America report the most stress, anxiety, and a greater sense of sadness. Canadians, French, and Australians report a greater increase of mental health issues related to stress. Roughly 77% of the workforce worldwide report physical effects of stress and 26% of the 77 say they are frequently burned out. Speaking of Burnout, the World Health Organization has now recognized burnout as a chronic condition. 48% of Americans report sleep issues caused by stress. 80% of millennials worldwide report they stress about money. In 2018 Greece topped the list of the most stressed country. Stress costs roughly $300 billion dollars per year due to health and health care cost in the US alone. You get it, Stress is a massive issue no matter where you live.

I sat down with Dr. Gala Gorman, an authority in stress, to talk about the impact of stress, EU stress, which is good stress, 12 toxic elements that can put our immune system into a state of emergency, and then Dr. Gorman hands over a handful of helpful tips to get your mind and body out of the state of stress.

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EPI 154: Stop Living in the Energetic Clutter with Therapist Tanya Cole-Lesnick

Have you ever caught yourself doing the same thing repeatedly but aren’t sure why? Your brain’s neuro-pathways, or the superhighway, have something to do with that. Whether from trauma or practiced behavior, we all show up in certain ways because we have either been conditioned or conditioned ourselves into these actions.

But there is good news. We have the power to change our brains and our behavior. That’s why I sat down with neuroscience researcher and therapist Adalina East to talk about what happens in our brains when we experience trauma, somatics, the impact of true spirituality, and how we all can start healing for our highest good right now.

The takeaways of this conversation can shift your life.

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EPI 148: Changing the “Superhighway” in the Brain with Adalina East

Have you ever caught yourself doing the same thing repeatedly but aren’t sure why? Your brain’s neuro-pathways, or the superhighway, have something to do with that. Whether from trauma or practiced behavior, we all show up in certain ways because we have either been conditioned or conditioned ourselves into these actions.

But there is good news. We have the power to change our brains and our behavior. That’s why I sat down with neuroscience researcher and therapist Adalina East to talk about what happens in our brains when we experience trauma, somatics, the impact of true spirituality, and how we all can start healing for our highest good right now.

The takeaways of this conversation can shift your life.

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Epi 63: 15 Signs You Are An Empath!

Do you feel things deeply? Have you ever been told you are too sensitive? Are you the peacemaker amongst your friends and family?

If so, you may be an empath. Being an empath is a superpower if you know how to use it to your advantage.

This week we are taking a one-on-one deep dive into what it means to be an empath, the top 15 signs that you are one, how to regulate your emotional and mental wellbeing from today forward, the brain science behind the empathic feeling, and lastly, we’ll chat about grounding and necessary practices you need to make your life work for you!

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  • Danielle A. Vann


  • Brógan Molloy



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