Epi 144: Eating with a Plant Slant with Dr. Munish and Dr. Bandana Chawla
As we continue to dive deeper into the five masters of our lives, we lean heavier into our well-being, physically and mentally. How we eat impacts us more than we realize, as our daily practices either own us or support us.
With so much evidence driving us toward eating with a plant slant or plant-based to support our mental, emotional, and physical health, I sat down with dear friends of mine, physicians on the leading edge of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Munish Chawla and Dr. Bandana Chawla. Together we talk about the impact of diet, how to make micro changes toward eating more plants, and they hand over small shifts to help bring you forward into this healthier lifestyle. This conversation is filled with ways to better your health, one plate at a time. So, let’s dive right in.
Epi 140: Taking Control of your body Image with Wellness Coach Erin Tennant
As spring break and summer fastly approaching, there seem to be ads about getting our summer bodies ready everywhere we turn. Stores are already shifting away from winter clothing and into shorts and skimpy swimsuits. Yet, this is the time of year most women dread. Why? Because their body image is not healthy. And, as you may suspect, when how we think about ourselves is not good, we tend to struggle across all aspects of our lives, especially in finding peace and self-love.
So, today, I sat down with Erin Tennant to talk about how each of us can increase our self-concept and body image, how to create rewarding habits and behaviors, how to cultivate a growth mindset around our eating, and she shares her story of growing up constantly on a diet and the steps she took to lose over 130 pounds and how she has kept it off!
Epi 138: Do You Feel Like A Fraud? Diving into Imposter Syndrome
Have you ever found yourself in a room of highly successful people and thought to yourself, “How did I get here?” Or perhaps look at your partner and wonder why they choose you? Have you ever felt that you were faking it and wondered when the bottom would drop out of the fake façade? Have you ever pretended to be someone you aren’t to fit in? Lastly, do you think of the wins in your life as “dumb luck?”
If so, you may be experiencing imposter syndrome. That’s the bad news. The good news is everyone experiences this from time to time. But, unfortunately, our mental and emotional health are impacted when we live this way 24-7.
So, today, you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into what imposter syndrome is, its characteristics, how it impacts us, and then we’re talking about flipping the internal conversation to get us out of untrue patterns that easily own us.
Today we are taking a one-on-one deep dive into what inner peace is, what many must let go of to gain it—and it’s probably deeper and different than what you think, and then we’ll take on how to know when you’ve begun to accept inner peace as your baseline center fully.
Epi 136: Getting Our FinaNCIAL Lives together with Inspired Budget Allison Baggerly
Our lives can be easily divided into sections that can be our masters, or we can be the masters of them. Those sections include: spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and financial.
Many do not realize the financial aspect impacts them on every other level. If we don’t have control over our money, we worry, stress, and often lose sleep.
To go deeper, financial issues rank among the top reasons for relationship failure. And many women stay in abusive relationships because of their fear of money.
That’s why I sat down with the guru of all things money, Allison Baggerly from Inspired Budget. You’ve likely come across her videos on Instagram and TikTok, where she breaks down real people’s budgets. Today, she guides us through her best budgeting advice and how to become the masters of our money once and for all!
So, let’s dive right in…
Epi 134: What to Leave Behind to gain Peace
Many live their lives through a background of unhappiness. While they feel okay in most moments, there’s also a general feeling of discontentment, resentment, irritation, and other negative emotions as they go about their daily lives.
While most of these feelings are subconscious thoughts that sound like, “I need or want this to happen before I can be happy or fulfilled,” or “Life is always so hard,” the stories that you tell yourself significantly impacts those background feelings and slowly become the factors that destroy your inner peace until you choose to leave the stories behind.
Today we are taking a one-on-one deep dive into what inner peace is, what many must let go of to gain it—and it’s probably deeper and different than what you think, and then we’ll take on how to know when you’ve begun to accept inner peace as your baseline center fully.
Epi 131: Living from the heart space with Cardiologist and Heart Intelligence Expert Dr. Madalina Petrescu
As we usher in February, many will begin to focus on the heart, on love. As you may have heard me say, love is an experience that is meant to drive us forward and help increase our overall well-being. What’s below that experience is living a heart-centered life. So, what is a heart-centered life?
It’s a life where we live our daily experiences in true alignment with our values, purpose, inner morality, personal experiences, intuition, and connecting with everything that works for us. Doing so requires that we understand some basic principles.
That’s why I sat down with Cardiologist and Heart-Centered Living Expert Dr. Madalina Petrescu to help us understand how to live through the heart-center, how to get into coherence, and why we must allow intuitive directives to guide us; we even chat about overall health that impacts the heart, and end with the connections each of us needs to live a healthy, grounded, spiritually connected life.
Epi 129: Are you Playing the Victim in Your Life?
We all have ups and downs, and it’s no secret that life throws hard things into our path. After all, why do you think the saying, “Bad things happen to good people,” exists? Yet, when those hard things occur, how we connect to them and how we fix our mindset plays a significant role in the moment and our overall life satisfaction. It also impacts one other major element in our lives. Can you guess what it is?
If you guessed inner peace, you are right.
So, let’s take a one-on-one deep dive into our mindsets and whether or not you play the victim in your daily life. This is an extensive conversation about identifying the small daily behaviors and habits that create the biggest divide between feeling empowered and feeling negatively impacted, I’m handing over the signs that you are living in full victim mode, and of course, we’ll be talking about how to change course from victim to victor.
Epi 127: The Rules of Engagement Every Couple Should Know with Gottman-Trained Therapist Laura Silverstein
Relationships are tricky, but with the right tools, any couple can thrive! You’ve likely heard of The Gottman Institute and the pioneering work of therapist John Gottman, one of the world’s leading experts on relationships, teaching therapists and couples how to best show up. With relationships adding or distracting from our own self-love and inner peace, I sat down with Gottman-trained couple’s therapist, author, and expert on love advice, Laura Silverstein, about being vulnerable, communication, the rules of engagement that every couple should know, how to fight fair, and what do if you find yourself parenting your partner!
Our conversation is full of small shifts you can put into practice today to help your relationship grow and be as healthy as possible.
Epi 125: is Your Brain Hijacking Your Life Through Triggers?
we’re taking a one-on-one deep dive into why the brain is always on the lookout for trouble, how to stop being hijacked in hopes of providing a false sense of safety, and we’ll breakdown how to disentangle ourselves from our earliest patterns, wiring, and our triggers.
This big conversation will shed light on why you may be causing yourself more issues than you realize!
Epi 119: Top Episode of 2022 -Brain Hacking Your Way Out of Procrastination and the Lack of Motivation
Do you struggle with procrastination? What about the lack of motivation? So many do and even identify as procrastinators. This belief can overrun our lives! It can even cause higher levels of stress, anxiety, fear, and a host of other negative feelings. This week we are taking a different approach to procrastination as we examine what these habits are at their roots and how our mindset and thinking patterns are the true culprits. From there, we’re brain hacking our way out of our full stops and onto the path of true motivation in this week’s one-on-one deep dive.
Epi 118: Five Steps to Creating Your Empowered Vision for 2023
We’ve reached the end of 2022. It’s been a year of MANY things. A year of growth and loss. A year of seeking and change. A year of revolution and finding ourselves to the point where many now ask: what next?
What is next? What would your ideal life look like if you could envision come this time next year? Have you ever taken a moment to clarify what you truly want? Have you taken a moment to break down the five pillars of your life and write a vision list?
From intentionality to a life mission statement to deep diving into what you want to create in the next twelve months, we are setting ourselves up for the most tremendous success possible, which always leads us to deeper self-love and inner peace.
Epi 117: Stopping the Unwanted Holiday Guests of Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
With two weeks left in the year, most of us lean into a natural thought process of evaluation—what went right this year, what didn’t, how we can do better, and what we want for the new incoming year. And while this focus is so prevalent, often something stops us from genuinely diving into this much-needed thought process. What is it? It’s the unwelcome holiday guests that go by the names stress, anxiety, and depression.
As we continue our series to wrap up the year, we are taking on how to prevent the end-of-the-year stress and depression this week, and then next week, we’ll uncover the correct way to write your 2023 vision as it is broken down into the fundamental areas of life.
Epi 116: How to Create Emotional Safety Within Yourself
Each of us has a set of basic human needs that must be fulfilled for us to thrive in our humanness—feeling safe is second in our primal needs on the need hierarchy. So, if I ask you what it means to be safe, most people give me an answer based on physical safety. Yet, what most people do not understand is that safety also expands into our mental, emotional, physical, and even financial pillars of life, which means that safety must be present for the well-being of our minds and emotional bodies.
As we continue our building series to close out the year, we’re taking a one-on-one deep dive into what it takes to feel emotionally safe, why it’s so important to create emotional safety, and, as always, we’ll talk about how to start the process of building emotional security with a few daily practices.
Epi 114: Girl, stop looking for outside validation and learn to validate yourself!
True self-love and inner peace are only possible when we have the ability to see ourselves and own our experiences without deep diving into a spiral of negativity, self-doubt, and emotional dysregulation. After all, self-validation is the ability to accept our internal experiences, thoughts, and feelings.
As we continue our building series through the end of the year, we started with loneliness last week, and today, we’re taking a one-on-one deep dive into self-validation. Being unable to validate our emotions, thoughts, and feelings keeps us from living an emotionally stable life, holds us in a state of perceived unworthiness, and keeps us from our emotional best.
This week we are breaking down and trashing the barriers that keep us from validating ourselves, our emotions, and our thoughts.
Epi 113: How to Stop Loneliness in its Tracks
With the holidays here, there’s often an uptick in depression and loneliness.
So, this week we’re taking a one-on-one deep dive into what loneliness is, how it smothers our self-love, the difference between being alone and feeling lonely, and how to make small shifts to release feeling this negative emotion. Sometimes it’s as simple as realizing we are not as lonely as we think.
Epi 112: Loving yourself or Others Through Active Addiction with Recovery Specialist Dana Golden
As many as 31 million people worldwide are dealing with some form of addiction, whether it’s drugs and alcohol, food or shopping, gambling, and a host of other behaviors that disrupt their lives and change their behavior. While addiction costs many emotional, mental, physical, financial, and spiritual well-being, the impact on the caretakers is not often accounted for.
The toll is tremendous and undoubtedly works to dim our spirit and often costs us our self-love. That’s why I sat down with Dana Golden, who wrote the book on the Road to Recovery, not only the addicted but also the caretaker. We chat about everything from the emotional cost to how to take care of yourself.
Epi 110: Are You Ready to Step into Healing?
There comes a time where each of us seeks true motivation to heal—a time where we work to release the baggage, the upset, the hard experiences of our lives, and reignite our inner spark. Yet, when that time comes, many of us ask how. How do I even begin to heal? This week we are taking a one-on-one deep dive into YOUR personal story, into YOUR life revolution through a process and path many of us are seeking right now—the process of emotional healing. So, sit back, grab a pen, and let’s take a mending journey together as we discover what true emotional healing is, the benefits, uncover a major “a-ha” moment, whether or not you are in need of walking through this process, and why we must get uncomfortable to thrive. Getting out of own way is necessary if we want to create the life revolution that inevitably amounts to freedom.
Epi 109: Finding Your Flow with 5-Minute Practices with Kerry Fisher
Can you honestly say you use your voice and live a life of yeses? Many women struggle with allowing their lives to be what they desire and deem most important.
This week I sat down with Jill Hollander, a resiliency coach who teaches women to find and use their voice. Her unique story of heart failure, a heart transplant, and surviving cancer will move and inspire you as she explains where our voice is first developed, how to be our own advocate, find our unshakable courage, and what it feels like to live a life of yes!
Epi 107: How to Become the Boss of Your Emotions
Are you the boss of your emotions, or are they the boss of you? The ability to experience and express your feelings is far more critical than you may realize. Learning how to develop emotional understanding and control is a fundamental part of getting your life together, practicing self-love, and it’s the only authentic way to find a steady stream of inner and outer peace. This week we’re taking a one-on-one deep dive into the impact of your emotions, and then I’ll hand over a simple practice that will stop an emotional reaction in its track every single time.
Epi 106: Finding Your Voice and Living a Life of Yes! with Jill Hollander
Can you honestly say you use your voice and live a life of yeses? Many women struggle with allowing their lives to be what they desire and deem most important.
This week I sat down with Jill Hollander, a resiliency coach who teaches women to find and use their voice. Her unique story of heart failure, a heart transplant, and surviving cancer will move and inspire you as she explains where our voice is first developed, how to be our own advocate, find our unshakable courage, and what it feels like to live a life of yes!
Danielle A. Vann
Brógan Molloy
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