welcome to the get your life together, girl PODCAST: “The” Blueprint to Ultimate Self-Love & Inner Peace
Hey Girl!
Quick question: Can you honestly say you have your life together—like, together, together? How about: Do you love yourself? Are you confident, happy, and fulfilled?
Most women struggle to answer “HELL YES!” to one or all of these questions! So, if that’s you, you are not alone!
Getting your life together is not a one-size-fits-all journey, and self-love is not a one-off thing you are “supposed” to do! Instead, both are “THE” result of healing your past, focusing on growth, releasing the limits you’ve owned, finding your purpose, and putting the life practices in place that best serve where you are now and where you desire to be! And yet, the questions remain: How do you get your life together? How do you love yourself? Hell, how do you create inner peace?
It’s much more straightforward than you think!
Twice a week Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, renowned Life Coach to women, Mindfulness expert, Master-Level Advanced Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Meditation Instructor, HeartMath Practitioner, Sound Healing Therapist, and Emotional Intelligence therapist, Danielle A. Vann guides you through the blueprint, the how, she masterfully created that has changed thousands of women’s lives. Vann combines psychology, mind and spiritual healing, somatic, neuroscience, mindfulness, meditation, purpose work, and the development of emotional intelligence in a no-BS, real talk, unapologetic proven strategy that flips conventional, ineffective talk therapy on its head. Think of this as your total mind, body, and soul makeover!
If you are ready to break down the barriers to your inner peace, shine a light on the things that keep you feeling “stuck,” release perceived limits, shake up your relationships, both with yourself and others, find better thoughts and behaviors, relax anxiety and stress, and learn the practices that the most mindful and successful women use daily, girl, this is the place for you!
So, let’s go! It’s time to get your life together, girl!
For daily inspiration and videos: IG @getyourlifetogethergirl and Join the Get Your Life Together, Girl Women’s Circle for 100s of downloadable, interactive practices.
Epi 46: Therapeutic Breathwork: Freedom from Anxiety is as Close as Your Next Exhale
When was the last time you took a full, deep breath?
I bet it’s been a while, and to be honest, you are not alone! Breathing is a vital part of life, yet most of us underestimate how a simple inhale and exhale can dramatically shift what is happening within. The shift is so significant it’s safe to say that proper, deep, therapeutic breathwork is the most potent and influential function your body has when it comes to regulating your nervous system, thought patterns, and bringing your mind, body, and spirit connection into alignment. The best part is that this ability is already within you and accessible. With such a great tool already at your fingertips, it’s time to use it to your benefit.
Bonus: Guided Hypnotherapy Session With Hypnotherapist Kate Semeniuk
Slow down and allow Hypnotherapist Kate Semeniuk to guide you through the inner child healing process.
Epi 44: Becoming an Active Observer in Your Life With Hypnotherapist Kate Semeniuk
Let me ask you an important question. Do you feel that you are an observer or a reactor in your life? When we are reactors, it’s often due to unhealed trauma. During March, we’re exploring different methods and modalities to heal and create the mindset and life revolution each of us desires and ultimately deserves.
In this week’s episode, we chat with Kate Semeniuk, an expert in Hypnotherapy—which has the power to help us move through inner turmoil and resentment, grow in our confidence and self-esteem, release fear and phobias, and so much more. Kate’s journey to her purpose began in the Ukraine during the reign of the Soviet Union. The fascinating journey she took to find her most authentic self will open your eyes to how each of us can uncover the same for ourselves. Then Kate teaches us how to become an observer in our lives—a skill that shifts us from “stuck” to living our best and most abundant experiences every day.
Epi 43: I am Healing My Past - March Mini Meditation Reset
The past often works to own our present and our future because what has been gone unhealed and unaddressed. We tend to believe that if we simply move on, what was will fall away.
Yet, this thinking robs us of a beautiful opportunity and great expansion. The events in our lives are lessons, building blocks that teach us what we came here to learn, ways of being, our desires. Our experiences teach us contrast. It shows what we want and what we do not. In this understanding, we can go deeper and explore our needs spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Epi 42: How to Discover Your Love Language?
Do you know what love language you speak?
Do you know how you like to have your needs, emotional connectivity, and love style met?
Many understand that there is an unwritten communication of receiving, giving, and feeling love, but often how we express and expect love in return is lost in translation. This week, we’re breaking down the importance of love languages, the different types, recognizing your partner’s language, and we’ll connect the dots to asking for more when we’re not on the same page with our partners. Ultimately, if we understand our love language, we can strengthen all forms of communication, which results in happier, healthy, and far more grounded and productive relationships.
Epi 41: Navigating Uncoupling, Co-Parenting, & Leaning into Radical Compassion with Resilience Coach Kimberly Smith
With February being the month of celebrating relationships, it’s time to focus on creating the most robust connections we can, both inside and outside of ourselves. Yet, this is a different angle; today, we are looking at the shift in a relationship and what happens when we uncouple and even divorce, especially when children are involved.
We’re chatting with Resilience Coach Kimberly Smith, who walks us through the dissolve of her marriage, the conscious choices they made to create a safe emotional environment for their daughter, how self-love must be the root of all relationships, and how to co-parent in a way that serves not only the children but also the adults. In all of that, we break down how to mindfully create a new life after any significant transition.
Epi 40: I Am Shining Through My Inner Light - February Mini Meditation Reset
Today is a beautiful day to allow yourself to shine, slow down, and return to center. We tend to live life at a frantic, stressful pace. Where our to-do lists and obligations control the way we see ourselves and the possibilities before us. But when we are willing to accept there’s more for us is when we are released from the grip of our endless doing, from our unwillingness to slow, and it’s from here that we find a natural flow that provides us with room to imagine, to grow, and to thrive. It’s from here we allow ourselves to go within, to move any lack of light, and shine in all that we are.
Epi 39: How to Create Lasting Emotional Security in Your Relationships
How would you rate your relationships? Would you say they are stable, safe, and grounded in true connectivity? Whether it’s the relationship with a spouse or partner, family, or even friends, there’s one element needed for our relationships to thrive. What is it? It’s emotional safety and security. Yet, most don’t realize there are grounded, actual steps needed to create trust-filled relationships with those we are closest. This week we’re diving into connectivity, what it takes to create an emotional safety net, and we’ll examine the small habits that have the power to shift any relationship from surviving to absolute thriving.
Epi 38: Redefining the Definition of Beauty with Model & Breast Cancer Survivor Christine Handy
What is the most authentic definition of beauty—not the definition we’ve been told we should and must subscribe to, but the actual depth-filled meaning of inner and outer beauty? In a world that thrives on perfectionism, flawless looks, and materialism, one fashion model is flipping that faked-out image of beauty on its head. Yet, doing so has not been an easy task.
In this week’s episode, Christine Handy walks us through her harrowing battle with breast cancer, how it challenged her perceived self-value, her standard and definition of beauty, the journey to self-worth, healing the inner child, and how each of us must create a “courage net” in our lives. This is one life revolution that turns pain into purpose.
Epi 37: Brain Hacking Your Way Out of Procrastination and the Lack of Motivation
Do you struggle with procrastination? What about the lack of motivation? So many do and even identify as procrastinators. This belief can overrun our lives! It can even cause higher levels of stress, anxiety, fear, and a host of other negative feelings. This week we are taking a different approach to procrastination as we examine what these habits are at their roots and how our mindset and thinking patterns are the true culprits. From there, we’re brain hacking our way out of our full stops and onto the path of true motivation in this week’s one-on-one deep dive.
Epi 36: I Am Beautifully Me - January Mini Meditation Reset #2
By nature, you are soulfully beautiful. The combination of your qualities, emotional awareness, powerful thoughts, shape, color, form, the nuances that make you, you have created a beautiful soul. This lovely light shines no matter how those qualities have merged and mixed to create an outside and inner form. Your beauty is soul deep. It’s a shining, brilliant feeling that is your presence. And, that presence will never be dependent on aesthetics because beauty is in everything, and it lies within you, too.
Epi 35: Periods, Hormones, Diet, & Energy - The Ins and Outs of Creating a Physical Revolution with Registered Dietician Victoria Coglianese
Ladies, it’s time to revolutionize our thoughts around physical health! Let me ask you a question: do you understand the inner workings of your body? As in, the natural rhythm of your hormones or even the daily and monthly cycles? How about how many calories you should intake or even when you should actually be eating? How about what it takes to sustain your energy and keep your weight in check? With so much noise and the “do this, not that” culture, it’s time to break down factual, honest answers to reach our ultimate health. In this week’s episode, we do just that with Registered Dietitian Victoria Coglianese.
Epi 34: Trashing the Comfort Zone and Breaking Up with the Words, “I Am Broken.”
There’s one statement that can disrupt our lives and growth more than any other set of words out there! What is it? “I AM STUCK!” Those words are often the most significant barrier to our success, feeling our best, and creating positive action; they are the mental and emotional wall that halts most things! So, this week, we are ripping off the label of stuck, taking a hard look at how we often go looking for failure without realizing it, and how we must push ourselves out of our comfort zone to grow and have full life ownership.
So, let’s shift our perspectives and our ability to become un-stuck.
Epi 33: I Am Here to Contribute - January Mini Meditation Reset #1
You arrived in this world with a spark, a fiery ambition in your core, and motivation to live a defined set of purposes. When you align with your why, the world rearranges itself to offer you infinite possibilities. Yet, when you are out of alignment with your purpose, it works to arrange everything to bring you back—the hardships, the trails, roadblocks, detours, and attention-grabbers. All of which are designed to help guide you home, to guide you to your purpose. The truth is, you have the power to find your way to your purpose and into alignment by going within and listening to your inner voice.
Epi 32: Being a “Good Enough” Mother - Taking Command of Work/Life Balance with Dr. Susan Landers
Life is best lived when in balance, but for most women, achieving balance is the equivalent of walking a tightrope without a safety net underneath—it’s tricky at best and, for many, a definite struggle. This is especially true for working mothers. In this week’s episode, we take on our relationship with work and family while trying to achieve and be quote “good enough mothers” with retired neonatologist Dr. Susan Landers. She walks us through the lessons she learned about work/life balance as a high-achieving physician. Those lessons have now been parlayed into a mission to educate women to show up as their best selves, be present, and own their accomplishments as wives, mothers, and career-driven women.
Epi 31: How to Set Empowering, Intentional Goals over New Year Resolutions
It’s that time of year again where we begin to shift into the new year and begin to put pen to paper as to what we’d like to create. Last week we ripped back the veil of personal permission in order to move our mindset into that desire in part-one of this two-part series to enhance our overall quality of life. If you listened last week, you’ve come to understand that permission is the foundation to creating our highest and greatest intentions. This week, we’re pulling everything together in part-two where we take a one-on-one deep dive into the exact strategies you can use to create achievable, permission-based goals and intentions—outside of the typical resolutions, that often fall short, fizzle out, and rarely come to fruition. If there has ever been a time to spark a new phase of growth, accomplishment, and shift your focus into enhancing your overall quality of life…now is it!
Epi 30: I Am the Creator of My Story - December Mini Meditation Reset #2
Our lives are a testimony to our stories—to the lessons we’ve learned, the thoughts we’ve crafted into emotions and actions. Our lives are what we’ve created and attracted to us through all we have been and are working to become. I am a creator, and I am creating goodness not only for me but for the world at large.
Epi 29: How to Give Yourself Permission & Why It’s Necessary for Your Goals to Thrive!
As we begin to close any year, it’s natural to move our mindset into what we desire to create for ourselves in the next 365 days. After all, that is why we set intentions, resolutions, and goals, but there’s one factor that must come first—a factor that most people bypass and then stand back and can’t figure out why life never seems to work out for them. What is this factor? It’s permission—it’s making affirmative, action-based choices that allow us to move into our highest and greatest intentions.
Epi 28: Healing From the Inside Out - Taking Command Of Your Health With Laura Patricia Martin
In this week’s episode, we take on our relationship with food in a deep dive conversation with nutritional, IBS, anxiety, and gut expert Laura Patricia Martin. After all, ’tis the season to overindulgence, leaning into an imbalanced mindset of eating, and of course, we are just weeks away from setting those New Year’s fitness resolutions.
Epi 27: I Am Joy - December Mini Meditation Reset #1
I am an instrument of joy. I see the beauty of it, the pleasure of it, the bliss, happiness, delight, and thrill that it weaves throughout my life, even during times that are not joyful or developed in joyful circumstances. Because of this, I am no longer waiting for the next day, the next event, the next moment to come. Instead, I am guiding myself, my mind, emotions, and actions into enjoying what is, in the here and now, in each and every second, minute, and hour. In doing so, I realize that joy is always available to me because it is me.
Danielle A. Vann
Brógan Molloy
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