welcome to the get your life together, girl PODCAST: “The” Blueprint to Ultimate Self-Love & Inner Peace
Hey Girl!
Quick question: Can you honestly say you have your life together—like, together, together? How about: Do you love yourself? Are you confident, happy, and fulfilled?
Most women struggle to answer “HELL YES!” to one or all of these questions! So, if that’s you, you are not alone!
Getting your life together is not a one-size-fits-all journey, and self-love is not a one-off thing you are “supposed” to do! Instead, both are “THE” result of healing your past, focusing on growth, releasing the limits you’ve owned, finding your purpose, and putting the life practices in place that best serve where you are now and where you desire to be! And yet, the questions remain: How do you get your life together? How do you love yourself? Hell, how do you create inner peace?
It’s much more straightforward than you think!
Twice a week Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, renowned Life Coach to women, Mindfulness expert, Master-Level Advanced Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Meditation Instructor, HeartMath Practitioner, Sound Healing Therapist, and Emotional Intelligence therapist, Danielle A. Vann guides you through the blueprint, the how, she masterfully created that has changed thousands of women’s lives. Vann combines psychology, mind and spiritual healing, somatic, neuroscience, mindfulness, meditation, purpose work, and the development of emotional intelligence in a no-BS, real talk, unapologetic proven strategy that flips conventional, ineffective talk therapy on its head. Think of this as your total mind, body, and soul makeover!
If you are ready to break down the barriers to your inner peace, shine a light on the things that keep you feeling “stuck,” release perceived limits, shake up your relationships, both with yourself and others, find better thoughts and behaviors, relax anxiety and stress, and learn the practices that the most mindful and successful women use daily, girl, this is the place for you!
So, let’s go! It’s time to get your life together, girl!
For daily inspiration and videos: IG @getyourlifetogethergirl and Join the Get Your Life Together, Girl Women’s Circle for 100s of downloadable, interactive practices.
Epi 86: The Ultimate Blueprint to Trusting Yourself
A misconception about loving ourselves has been touted by self-proclaimed personal development gurus that is dead wrong. Many believe that self-love is a one-off thing that we are “supposed to do.” Yet, the truth is that self-love is the result of healing, growth, and putting all the pieces of greatest selves into place. So, loving ourselves isn’t a “thing” we are supposed to do; it is “THE” thing that is the evidence of our growth.
This week we are taking a one-on-one deep dive into an essential life practice that must be in place for us to reach self-love.
What is it? It’s self-trust.
Epi 85: Affirmations for Anxiety - Mini Meditation Reset
You have never been meant to live a life of stress, anxiety, fear, doubt, and unease. Instead, you have always been meant to live from a grounded and centered place, a place of peace.
Remember that anxiety is characterized by feelings of worry, fear, doubt, and dis-ease.
These feelings can range from subtle to overwhelming and influence your life in ways that disrupt and do not serve you. As anxiety pulses through your nervous system, feelings of panic and helplessness, anger, agitation, irritability, and overwhelm can follow. Your heart can pound, making everything feel so much bigger than it is.
Epi 84: Proven Steps to Build Unshakable Confidence with Jacqui Letran
For many women, confidence is a moving target. It’s something they want but don’t feel they actively have.
To give you the proven steps to build unshakable confidence, I sat down with the queen of confidence building Jacqui Letran. In the next hour, she hands over the roadblocks we experience, the grounded steps to change your lack patterns, and then she walks us through an exercise that has radically changed thousands of women’s confidence levels in a way that can be activated today!
If you struggle with feeling worthy, good enough, or going after your desires, this conversation is step 1 in changing your inner dialogue.
Epi 83: 8 Strategies to Discover and Live as Your Authentic Self
Do you ever feel like you are a different person to different people in your life? Do some people see one side of you while others do not? Or, do you ever feel like you struggle to express yourself fully? Maybe you knowingly hide behind who you truly are deep inside? If so, you are not fully engaging with and living through your most authentic self.
This week we’re taking a one-on-one deep dive into authenticity.
Epi 82: Infusing Loving Kindness - Mini Meditation Reset
Loving-kindness or Metta meditation is the ultimate form of generous, selfless love toward the self. This is a traditional meditation combined with new affirmations and self-kindness.
As it is said, hatred cannot coexist with love and kindness. It dissipates when supplanted with thoughts of love and compassion.
The longest relationship you will have during your time on this earth is the one you have with yourself. If the relationship does not reflect love, compassion, and kindness, you cannot reflect the same emotions and movements to those around you. What is happening within us is reflected out into the world through our actions and the way we show up. When out of balance, we find mirror relationships, experiences, and feelings, thus the importance of genuine loving-kindness.
Epi 81: Are You Practicing Fierce Self-Kindness with Rosie Aiello
If I were to ask you if you practice self-kindness or fierce loving kindness, could you honestly say yes? Practice as in this is a daily focus.
Most women struggle in this area.
And that’s why I sat down with Rosie Aiello, founder of the Love is Kind network, to talk about how we can bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to be.
Rosie’s story spans the globe as she found herself in a foreign country married to an abusive husband. As the abuse escalated, their daughter Sunny helped Rosie hatch an escape plan that will leave you in awe.
Epi 80: Are You In Need of Peace? - Mini Mindset Reset
Your daily habits and routines are far more critical and impactful than you may think. One of the complaints or misalignments I hear is that many women feel their lives are not what they wanted them to be. They feel stuck, uninspired, off-balance, and certainly not peaceful. Yet, when I ask for them to walk me through their day-to-day life, we can often root out that they are simply not engaging in their lives in a way that is fulfilling or nurturing their rounded well-being. They have shifted into autopilot and lack a framework that helps them engage in the balance, inspiration, and peace they so deeply deserve and desire.
Epi 79: The “Secret” Behind the Law of Attraction
In the years I’ve worked with women, one concept continually comes up. For some, it’s taboo. For others, there’s a deep curiosity and desire to understand how it works. For another group, there’s complete dismissal. No matter where you stand, you are likely using this principle in your daily life without even realizing it. What is it? It’s the Law of Attraction.
Maybe you’re scratching your head as to how behavioral therapy and the Law of Attraction have any connection, which is fair, so today, we’re taking a one-on-one deep dive into this universal principle that is the basis of everything I teach—what you focus grows.
Epi 78: Finding My Way to The Here and Now - Mini Meditation Reset
We often forget that our lives are lived in moments, in the now. We allow yesterday to own us—find its ways into our thoughts, emotions, and actions. We bring forth broken pieces while we refuse to hold on to the good. When we are in the good, we easily concentrate on where we want to be—the goals, intentions, and the pieces that drive us forward while failing to remember that we need today to prosper.
The reality is each day is a teacher. Each moment has something for you inside of it. When we are unaware, focused on everything but the moment, we are likely to miss the magic in which is the key for our abundance, ability to thrive, the very opening of our purpose, courage, and highest, truest, most authentic, greatest self.
To fully claim your life, you must be IN your life. And your life is now.
Epi 77: The Gift of Life with Kelsey Garrison
One of the most significant questions each of us can ask ourselves is how may I serve?
With the unprecedented political changes in the United States after last week’s Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe vs. Wade, many women now question their options regarding their bodies—especially for couples who struggle with the inability to get pregnant or carry a baby to term.
With so much on the line, many are struggling to understand the future of families.
This week I sat down with my friend Kelsey Garrison, who has been at the forefront of serving a family as a surrogate.
Epi 76: Heart Soak Technique - Mini Mindset Reset
Have you ever uttered, “My heart hurts,” when you’ve been in a trying, stressful, or emotionally complicated situation? It’s common for people to relate to the idea that when things are hard that we experience heartbreak or pain in our heart center.
The heart communicates with the brain and body in four ways: the nervous system, hormones, pulse waves, and our electromagnetic fields. So, when we say our heart hurts, it’s actually true. Likewise, when our emotions become dysregulated, we feel it in our nervous system—in the heart space.
Epi 75: The Truth Behind People-Pleasing
We all want to be liked and loved—it’s a natural part of our desire and need for human connection. In fact, from the moment we are born, we begin seeking connection. However, while this desire is innate, there can be a tipping point where being liked and loved turns into seeking approval and validation through the assurance of others.
This kind of connection seeking is a hallmark trait of people-pleasing.
Epi 74: Accepting What Is - Mini Meditation Reset
There are times in our lives when we find ourselves struggling, even fighting with our thoughts and emotions. In times of change or stagnation, we can feel as if nothing is happening for us, and everything is happening to us. These feelings can cause turmoil, which upsets our emotional and mental balance. When we become aware that a struggle is within us, we become disrupted and uncomfortable. Our instincts push against the unfamiliar, the unknown, as we roll around with the discomfort, adding a mentality of lack, stress, and anxiety.
Epi 73: From Default to Design: Adding Passion, Play, & Intimacy into Your Relationship with Love Coach Gaby Sundra
A massive part of our overall life satisfaction comes down to the quality of our relationships, especially our most intimate ones. So often, women find themselves dissatisfied, overwhelmed, and feeling as if their partner does not meet their needs. When this occurs, life can feel as if it is lacking in passion, purpose, play, and genuine connection.
This week we’re taking our intimate relationships to increase our overall satisfaction in and out of the bedroom with Relationships Expert and Love Coach Gaby Sundra.
Epi 72: Putting Yourself First - Mini Mindset Reset
Have you ever heard the saying, “You’ve got to fall in love with yourself first?”
Many women reject this idea, but the truth is, the longest relationship you will have during your time on this earth is the relationship you have with yourself. Therefore, nurturing yourself is highly important, and if you want to have a life that is together, abundant, and truly in alignment, you must put yourself first.
This week we’re chatting about putting yourself in first position after receiving a question from Margaret in Austin, Texas about how to hold space for ourselves and not feel guilty!
Epi 71: Shattering Your Limiting Beliefs
If you have spent any time working toward personal growth or have read any personal development books you have likely heard the term “limiting beliefs.” While the conversation around limiting beliefs seems to be the “it” topic right now, many do not go deep enough into these psychological defense mechanisms to explain what they are, let alone where they come from.
Today, we’re taking a one-on-one deep dive into how limiting beliefs negatively impact your life, how we trick our brains into believing our limits are keeping us safe, and I’ll walk you step-by-step into identifying your limiting beliefs, and most importantly how to shatter them and ultimately eradicate them from your life!
Epi 70: Honoring Your Soul And Inner Light - Meditation Reset
You are a masterpiece of light, love, infinite beauty, and peace. This light is your energy, your soulful, most authentic self.
In this understanding, you can claim all that you are and honor your inner light that has helped you rise above darkness, hard times, and negativity. If you are not willing to give your very best, life is not going to offer much in return. Within each hour, day, week, and month, there is a time for everything. There is a time for letting go of self-destruction. There is a time for building and growing. There is a time for motion and rest. There is a time for wellness. There is always time for whatever is to be. That is if you make and take the time, and that begins with honoring your very being.
Epi 69: Breaking Family Cycles with Therapist Somiari Fubara
This week I sat down to have one of the most powerful conversations we’ve had on the Get Your Life Together, Girl Podcast with therapist Somiari Fubara. Together we talk about breaking family cycles, abuse, trauma, the pain, the hardships, the victories, and how we can own our path without it costing us who we are, and want we want to create for ourselves. This is raw, unfiltered conversation with the end goal of motivating you to start healing and ultimately build the life of your dreams regardless of the opinions of others, especially those that differ within your bloodline.
Epi 68: Build Heartfelt Appreciation Within Minutes Each Day - Mini Mindset Reset
In every action, experience, in every being, there is something for which we can be grateful. In fact, did you know that genuine appreciation and the practice of such in our lives can facilitate healing within our mind, body, and spirit?
In today’s mindset reset, we are leaning into four quick and easy gratitude exercises that take only a few minutes each and have incredible results when practiced. Think about how much your day-to-day would shift if you took a moment to count your blessings instead of glazing over them.
Epi 67: The Secrets Behind Making Meditation Work for You!
This week we are taking a one-on-one deep dive into a practice that allows us to do just that. What is it? It’s meditation.
This isn’t your typical conversation about breathing and quieting the mind. Instead, we’re taking a journey through the science and benefits, breaking down meditation myths, and I’ll hand over what most people do wrong when they practice. This is one conversation that gives you the tools to use your mind to your greatest benefit.
Danielle A. Vann
Brógan Molloy
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