Epi 158: Signs You Need to Up Your Self-Respect– Mindset Reset
Whether you realize it or not, you set the tone of how others will and do interact with you. When you respect yourself, it’s obvious, and most of the time, others around you show up with their respect for you on point. But what happens when you don’t trust yourself, when you don’t have self-respect? It seems pretty apparent that’s when trouble ensues.
Samantha from London, England, wrote in and said, “Danielle, I love your mindset resets, so I’m hoping you can help me with my mindset around self-respect. Here’s my backstory: I grew up with a great family. I don’t have a ton of trauma, at least not like what I’ve heard about on your show. I am married to a wonderful man. I’ve done okay in my career. My kids are healthy and seem pretty happy, but I still struggle with respecting myself. I’m not sure why. Maybe I don’t know what self-respect is. Can you help me see if I respect myself? I hope that doesn’t sound like a stupid request! What am I missing? Are there signs? If I could control this part of myself, I would have more space to grow, as you talk about.”
Epi 157: The Fear of Making the Wrong Choices
Fear, it’s a nasty word and an even nastier emotion. It keeps us caught in small boxes. It keeps us from showing up to our present life, future, relationships, jobs, families, you name it. If fear is present, you are not thriving to your fullest potential.
That’s why you and I are taking one-on-one deep dive into the fear of making the wrong choice! Fear is the biggest enemy to your decision-making, and it can hold you captive even when the stacks feel like life and death. So, if you have ever found yourself uncertain, feeling “stuck,” unable to move forward, or wishing someone else could choose for you, this is the conversation for you!
Epi 156: Pause & Affirm: My Season of Reawakening
Welcome to Pause & Affirm! This quick, upbeat hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace! This quick hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace!
Epi 155: Crown Chakra, An Active, Guided Meditation
Welcome to the crown chakra affirmation meditation, a guided meditation to powerfully connect with your higher self. Your crown chakra, or 7th chakra, at the top of your head, is responsible for spiritual connection to the Universe, God, Source, or whatever you call this magnificent force more significant than yourself. It’s the center of your self-knowledge. Transformation and enlightenment are found here, too.
Settle in now, and let’s connect to this center of truth, love, and light.
EPI 154: Stop Living in the Energetic Clutter with Therapist Tanya Cole-Lesnick
Have you ever caught yourself doing the same thing repeatedly but aren’t sure why? Your brain’s neuro-pathways, or the superhighway, have something to do with that. Whether from trauma or practiced behavior, we all show up in certain ways because we have either been conditioned or conditioned ourselves into these actions.
But there is good news. We have the power to change our brains and our behavior. That’s why I sat down with neuroscience researcher and therapist Adalina East to talk about what happens in our brains when we experience trauma, somatics, the impact of true spirituality, and how we all can start healing for our highest good right now.
The takeaways of this conversation can shift your life.
Epi 153: Pause & Affirm: I Love Who I Am
Welcome to Pause & Affirm! This quick, upbeat hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace! These quick notes to self are taken from the wildly popular Get Your Life Together, Girl daily quotes featured on Instagram. I hope you enjoy this new Saturday morning moment together. Today we affirm the inner love you have for yourself.
Epi 152: Shifting Focus to the Good– Mindset Reset
Let’s face it, the state of the world is less than desirable in many ways, yet there’s also much movement and change that’s empowering and life-changing. What is happening in the world at large echoes what happens in our lives. We see negativity and focus on it, but there is another option.
Melanie Lush, from Florida, wrote in and said, “Danielle, I recently found your podcast and listened to an episode where you were talking about focus. Before I listened to the episode, I thought I struggled with focus. But, now I realize I don’t struggle with my focus; I struggle with focusing on the wrong things! If something has a bit of drama to it, is negative, or I feel like I don’t have a choice about the situation, I will laser focus. I spend most of my day in negative thoughts. First, thank you for opening my eyes to this because now that I know, I want to change it. And two, how can I shift my focus to be on something positive or better?”
Epi 151: Why Healing Hurts
Have you ever questioned why healing hurts so bad? If you have, you are not alone. Healing from anything is a process and life dramatically transforms when we learn to let ourselves feel, accept, and grow through the things that happen to and through us.
When we offer resistance, we strengthen our pain and all the coping skills that come with it. Because this is so common, many refuse to do the healing work needed to help themselves heal and thrive.
That is why you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into why healing hurts, how to move through healing of any kind, and what must take place once we get to a place of acceptance and change.
So, let’s dive right in.
Epi 150: Pause & Affirm: My Focus is Set
Welcome to Pause & Affirm! This quick, upbeat hit of inspiration is meant to remind you of your greatness, inner light, and peace! These quick notes to self are taken from the wildly popular Get Your Life Together, Girl daily quotes featured on Instagram. I hope you enjoy this new Saturday morning moment together.
Epi 149: 3rd Eye Affirmation Meditation
Welcome to the third eye chakra affirmation meditation, a guided meditation to gently and powerfully connect with your higher self. Your brow chakra governs visions and dreams. It’s the center of wisdom and self-reflection. The brow chakra resonates with the language of light and higher consciousness. It is the seat of our intuition and inner wisdom, and when open and balanced, it allows us access to ‘the bigger picture’ of our lives.
EPI 148: Changing the “Superhighway” in the Brain with Adalina East
Have you ever caught yourself doing the same thing repeatedly but aren’t sure why? Your brain’s neuro-pathways, or the superhighway, have something to do with that. Whether from trauma or practiced behavior, we all show up in certain ways because we have either been conditioned or conditioned ourselves into these actions.
But there is good news. We have the power to change our brains and our behavior. That’s why I sat down with neuroscience researcher and therapist Adalina East to talk about what happens in our brains when we experience trauma, somatics, the impact of true spirituality, and how we all can start healing for our highest good right now.
The takeaways of this conversation can shift your life.
Epi 147: Tackling Daily Fear – Mindset Reset
Fear is one of the most powerful emotions. It ranks right up there, at least in my mind, with grief. It’s a liar. It’s a thieve. And yet, its intention is good. It’s meant to keep you safe. But, for many, fear keeps them paralyzed, shut down, and living in a way that is strictly in survival and never touching the beauty of joy, which is, of course, a birthright to all of us.
Jill Gibson from New Hampshire wrote in and said, “Danielle, I’m not sure where to start. I suppose I should just say the word in my head most days—fear. I was talking to a dear friend a few months ago, and she pointed out that I am constantly fearful but also doing everything I can to avoid it. I’ve struggled with this thought since she spoke those words. I feel this is a truthful assessment of where I am, but I do not know how to get out of it. I would love to hear your advice.”
Epi 146: Breaking Up with Broken
Let me ask you a question I’ve been chasing the answer to for most of my life. Is there such a thing as broken people, or are there only broken moments?
Your answer may vary from the truth depending on where you are in your life, what you’ve experienced, and how you’ve processed what has been and what you believe will continue to occur.
Today, you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into redefining the idea of broken, and I’ll hand over something most of us are not taught, which is how to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. This is one conversation that shatters our traditional thinking and flips what you thought you needed to move forward on
Epi 145: Affirmations to Balance the Throat Chakra - A guided Meditation
Welcome to the throat chakra affirmation meditation, a guided meditation to clear and reclaim your fifth chakra. Your throat chakra is responsible for communication. When it’s balanced, you speak the truth, your truth, and understand your life purpose in a fuller and guided way. You communicate with others intelligently and efficiently. You are far more creative and expressive.
Clear your mind.
Epi 144: Eating with a Plant Slant with Dr. Munish and Dr. Bandana Chawla
As we continue to dive deeper into the five masters of our lives, we lean heavier into our well-being, physically and mentally. How we eat impacts us more than we realize, as our daily practices either own us or support us.
With so much evidence driving us toward eating with a plant slant or plant-based to support our mental, emotional, and physical health, I sat down with dear friends of mine, physicians on the leading edge of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Munish Chawla and Dr. Bandana Chawla. Together we talk about the impact of diet, how to make micro changes toward eating more plants, and they hand over small shifts to help bring you forward into this healthier lifestyle. This conversation is filled with ways to better your health, one plate at a time. So, let’s dive right in.
Epi 142: Becoming an Observer and Break-up with Self-Sabotage
Most of our suffering and upset come from how tightly we hold onto our perspectives as truths and the emotional, mental, and physical behaviors we cling to that never serve us, such as perfectionism, procrastination, negative self-talk, and avoidance. When we live from a space that prevents us from experiencing our life to the fullest, where we are closed to everything and open to nothing, we keep ourselves in a cycle that pushes against growth and ourselves.
There’s a term for this behavior, and it’s self-sabotage.
Today, you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into self-sabotage, what it is, and how it impacts us. Then we will move into a space where we learn to be observers of ourselves and our behaviors so that we may grow, find self-love, rest in inner peace, and fully thrive as the souls we are in our human experience.
Epi 141: Balancing & Clearing the Heart Chakra - A guided Meditation
Welcome to your heart chakra balancing meditation, a guided meditation to clear and reclaim your fourth chakra. The center of love, compassion, forgiveness, and self-acceptance, as it governs our feelings in relationships and our humanness.
This is a continuation of our balancing charka series.
Settle in now, finding a comfortable position as you relax your shoulders down your spine, release your jaw, and let go of any tension, whether in your mind or body. As you fully settle, deepen your breath, inhaling through your nose, allowing your breath to find the bottom of your lungs, and slowly release it through your nose with a slow and steady exhale. Continue to breathe with both ease and effort.
You are taking a journey now inside your mind to meet yourself and rebalance the fourth chakra, the source of love.
Take another full deep breath and slowly let it go. If your eyes are not already closed, please close them softly now.
Clear your mind.
Epi 140: Taking Control of your body Image with Wellness Coach Erin Tennant
As spring break and summer fastly approaching, there seem to be ads about getting our summer bodies ready everywhere we turn. Stores are already shifting away from winter clothing and into shorts and skimpy swimsuits. Yet, this is the time of year most women dread. Why? Because their body image is not healthy. And, as you may suspect, when how we think about ourselves is not good, we tend to struggle across all aspects of our lives, especially in finding peace and self-love.
So, today, I sat down with Erin Tennant to talk about how each of us can increase our self-concept and body image, how to create rewarding habits and behaviors, how to cultivate a growth mindset around our eating, and she shares her story of growing up constantly on a diet and the steps she took to lose over 130 pounds and how she has kept it off!
Epi 139: How to Let Go of a Painful Pattern – Mindset Reset
Our lives are filled with habits and patterns. Some serve us. Some don’t. Depending on where the pattern originated, whether trauma or learned, these patterns can own us and become the coping mechanisms that are our everyday behaviors. People don’t necessarily cling to old habits because they want to beat themselves up but rather because we humans stick to what’s familiar.
Karen Crosby wrote in and said, “Danielle, I’ve been working with a therapist for a little over two years now. She has helped me realize I have many painful patterns in my daily life that come out in the things I do and through how my relationships have been. Yet, she hasn’t been able to help me change or let go of these painful patterns. It’s extremely frustrating. I’m hoping you can help! You’ve helped me in many other ways through your podcast, blog, videos, and Instagram posts. Can you please help me understand how to let go of painful patterns? I feel like I continually do things that cause more harm than good, even though I know that is not what I want!
Epi 138: Do You Feel Like A Fraud? Diving into Imposter Syndrome
Have you ever found yourself in a room of highly successful people and thought to yourself, “How did I get here?” Or perhaps look at your partner and wonder why they choose you? Have you ever felt that you were faking it and wondered when the bottom would drop out of the fake façade? Have you ever pretended to be someone you aren’t to fit in? Lastly, do you think of the wins in your life as “dumb luck?”
If so, you may be experiencing imposter syndrome. That’s the bad news. The good news is everyone experiences this from time to time. But, unfortunately, our mental and emotional health are impacted when we live this way 24-7.
So, today, you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into what imposter syndrome is, its characteristics, how it impacts us, and then we’re talking about flipping the internal conversation to get us out of untrue patterns that easily own us.
Today we are taking a one-on-one deep dive into what inner peace is, what many must let go of to gain it—and it’s probably deeper and different than what you think, and then we’ll take on how to know when you’ve begun to accept inner peace as your baseline center fully.
Danielle A. Vann
Brógan Molloy
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